21 November 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Amazing Things I’m Loving: Recent Finds

By admin

Hello friends. I hope you’re having a fabulous end to your workout week.

Today is a big day in the Boyle house. We’re packing up and heading 30 minutes down the road for a week long family vacation. My in-laws are coming for Thanksgiving to Charleston for the first time, and they’ve rented a beach house for us to all be together.

I’m very excited. For one, I don’t think Dan and I have ever taken a FULL week to spend with family. In fact, I was very close to taking on a few boot camps next week since the house is pretty close. But Dan wasn’t keen on the idea, and I agreed that the week should be focused on family.

I’m still going to be posting, though likely not as regularly. I will be sharing out weekend on Instagram, so make sure you’re following me!

Because my mind is 100% on the vacation and packing, I thought I would end the week by sharing some of my latest and greatest finds.

Most of these items I purchased on my own, just a few were sent to me. But all of them I love!


Most of my warm capris and leggings have lived a good life. Many of them now droop after just a few meters of running. I knew I needed something both comfortable and reliable for the trail race, so I took ordered these.

I love their compression socks (the only compression socks I wear) so I was confident they would do great. Sure enough, I love these!


They didn’t slide down once during the 23 mile run and I love that you can flip the bottom cuffs up for some added color or down for some extra length.

Hands down awesome buy. I ended up getting them 40% off by using the code “PINK”.


I am a huge fan of pro-biotics but I’m not really a big yogurt eater. With everyone around me catching some sort of stomach bug, I wanted to protect myself! Too many fun things on my calendar, so I grabbed up Good Belly.

I’ve actually had many of their products, whenever they go on sale at WholeFoods. So when I was in the other day, I saw these Ginger Shots and decided to give them a go. So good! And they go down quick. I always drink mine while making breakfast in the morning.


Another buy inspired by last weekend’s race. I get really hot when running so I wanted something that would keep me warm (for 20-degree temps) yet not over heated once the miles added up.

It’s thin but insulates great.

Because of it’s thickness, I’m able to move freely and comfortably. I have been wearing this just about every day to teach boot camps in! I don’t think I’ll take it off until March. Hope that’s okay.


Price wise, it’s not cheap but totally worth it. Luckily I had racked up enough referral points at my local running store to get 30% off.


I picked this up a few weeks ago at EarthFare when my previous scrub ran out.

I absolutely love it and this will perhaps be the first product I actually buy again. I’m not all that loyal when it comes to toiletries.

The smell, the essential oils, the texture… its all perfect. I use the scrub 2-3 times per week on my face and honestly my face has never been this clear.

I’m sold. Even my mom recently commented on how nice my skin was looking.


After our trip to the mountains, my face and lips returned home extremely dry and chapped. The sugar scrub has helped my face, but my lips needed a bit more TLC.

I picked this shea butter balm up at our local health food store and from the first swipe, loved it. Each side is a different flavor, so it’s fun to switch it up.

The mint leaves a slight tingle on the lips! I love that the ingredient list is very basic, which is a must for me: sunflower oil, beeswax, shea butter, pure essential oils, Vitamin E, honey and candelilla wax. and it’s certified organic. Sweet.

Tell me what you’re loving lately!

Whip Six Feed

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