26 January 2014 ~ 0 Comments

An Almost Silent Sunday

By admin

Happy Sunday! I just wanted to pop in quickly and share a bit of what’s been going on. I have seen “silent” posts up on blogs for awhile and decided to give one a try today.

If you like it, let me know… if you prefer my wordy Sunday check-ins, let me know that too!

And because I love to chat with you, that’s why it’s an “almost” silent post… me not say a word?  Yea, okay!

Many of these picts you may have seen on Instagram if you follow me, if you don’t why not? Find me @FitnessTaylor

Friday night Dan wasn’t feeling so hot, and we had some meetings that lasted into the evening so instead of the dinner I had planned to make…


Soup night: Tomato soup (not homemade), 1/2 grilled cheese (using vegan almond cheese), sliced oranges, and French green beans with hummus. Random but delicious!

For the past week I’ve had zero motivation to create anything in the kitchen. That changed Saturday morning with these:


That would be a stack of lavender pancakes (I used my Flap Jacked mix) with a dollop of honey-orange-peanut butter! They were A-Ma-Zing! The perfect breakfast before my 5 mile tempo run.  I’ll have the recipe posted up Friday.

After moving around a bit, Dan felt better so we made a trip to Best Buy to splurged on:


After my Sitting Disease post last week we are very motivated to get off our butts. I asked you guys on Twitter which you recommended: the FitBit or the Jawbone and I took your advice! Thanks so much!

Unfortunately, we realized once we got into the car that there were sizes on them (I thought they were one size fits all). Duh. So we returned them only to discover that Best Buy was out of smalls and larges. Worked out perfectly in the end, we came home and bought them from JawBone.com and paid about $ 15 less! Score. AND I was able to get it in blue!

Last but not least, I got excited in the kitchen again.

The foodie is coming back and I am embracing her! This past Friday at Earthfare, I asked the seafood manager how to cook a whole fish. I love getting them at restaurants but have been too nervous to try it myself. She convinced me that I could handle it, gave me some tips and assured me I would have a lot of fun with it.

So I brought home a snapper and gave it a go…


Stuffed with rosemary, sage, coconut oil, salt and pepper. I also rubbed a lot of salt on the outside to help it crispy up. Like the pancakes, I’ll share the whole technique later this week. It took 25 minutes from start to plate!


The final outcome was exactly as I had hoped! Dan loved it, I loved it and there were no leftovers. I hate leftover fish, in fact I actually won’t eat it (weird?) so I was relieved that we were able to enjoy it all and not feel overly stuffed.  This fish was the perfect size for two people. Next, I will step it up and go with a bass!

Since Dan wasn’t feeling so hot, the rest of the weekend was spent watching movies curled up on the couch. Which is just what I wanted after a busy busy week!

What’s something you’ve done this weekend? 

Whip Six Feed

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