16 April 2015 ~ 0 Comments

An Awesome 20 Minute Kettlebell Body Burn Workout Challenge

By admin

Happy Thursday friends. I hope your week is going smoothly!

I have a killer workout for you today that I really think you’ll love. It’s tough, that’s for sure, but go at your own pace and you’ll do great.

One thing I want to stress to you guys is this…

Remember that fitness isn’t a competition with anyone but yourself. I know that I am a competitive person and I share that a lot here, but seriously, never feel as if you’re working to keep up with someone else. It’s all about you!

I feel like many of us get caught up in the game of watching others and thinking that we can’t do that, or there’s no way that you’ll be as good as them.

Screw it, if you’re doing it the best that YOU can, no matter the pace or the weight you’re using, then you’re doing it perfectly. <— Just make sure that your form is good! :)

Just something that was on my mind and now that It’s off I can show you this workout!

The 20 Minute Kettlebell Body Burn Workout

kettlebell 20 minute challenge workout

The overall how to? Set a timer for 20 minutes and see how many rounds you can complete of the following exercises:

  • 10 Snatch + Presses (5/Side)
  • 8 Lunges
  • 6 Squat + Upright Rows
  • 8 Close Grip Push-ups
  • 10 KB Leg Raises

For my workout, I used a 16 Kg kettlebell, but use what works for you! The snatch + press isn’t easy, so make sure you can use a weight where you can combine the moves, but where it’s not TOO easy. Ideally, you would like to use a weight that can make it through the entire workout. But if you have to drop down for certain moves, that’s A-Okay.

Let’s quickly cover the exercises…

The Body Burn Exercises

I thought I would do things a little different today. Instead of GIFs, I’m demoing with actual video and GIFs. Let me know which (if either) you prefer!

Snatch + Press




Squat + Upright Row


Close Grip Push-Ups


KB Leg Raises



Remember, it’s just 20 minutes so really give it all you’ve got. If you see a move that you just don’t think you’re ready for let me know down in the comments and I’ll be happy to suggest a modification/alternative exercise.

Have a wonderful day friends! Love y’all!

What’s something great that has happened so far this week?

This week has been insanely busy but that’s also the best part about it. I feel as if I’ve been knocking off my to-do list like a champ!

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