01 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Announcing “What The… Fitness?” & Lock Lace {Giveaway}

By admin

I hope you had a great weekend! Ours was filled with friends, running, wine and family; which when combined make for a wonderful weekend.

Because yesterday was Easter, I was a bit worried that I wouldn’t have the chance to hang out in front of the camera to shoot this week’s Lifting Revolution’s Fitness & Nutrition Show. Luckily, we found a window of time and jumped at the opportunity.

It’s not the longest show, there might not be a workout  (did you see the Easter workout I posted yesterday?) or a recipe… but there is:

-A great  Lock Lace shoe giveaway 

-A pretty cool announcement for “What The… Fitness!” 

Lifting Revolution’s Fitness & Nutrition Show

Lock Lace Giveaway

I am digging my Lock Laces. I love that the grey takes away some of the purple(ness) of the shoe and in my opinion, makes my Mizuno’s look even more badass. Maybe it’s just me, but I like to think wearing cool looking shoes, makes me run faster. Maybe?

lock laces

According to the company, wearing these kind of laces aren’t just about looking cool while jogging around, they really do offer benefits such as:

-Stretch Fit Comfort (As your feet swell with running, your shoes stay comfortable)

-Locked in safety… no laces coming untied!

-Fast transition (super easy to put off and on)

-Improves circulation

– Eliminates heel crushing: 

“Engineered and designed to improve athletic performance, reduce pressure points, promote circulation using simple compression, and eliminate heel crushing.”

lock laces giveaway

Since I love all things compression, and with my crazy running schedule, when the company asked if I would want to try them I figured what the heck. I am open to anything that can make me a better athlete.

The company was nice enough to send me quite a selection of colors which I will be sharing with you! I picked the grey pair, here’s what is left

colors of lace locks






How To Enter:

Leave a comment below letting me know what color you would prefer AND what your current running distance/race is.

-To gain another entry you can do any of the following:

Send me a picture of you doing your favorite body weight exercise (taylorryan0406(at)gmail(dot)com. Pictures will be shared on the Facebook page. Fun right? And you’ll be up for TWO Pairs!

Tweet or “Like” LR’s Facebook page, and let me know that you did so by leaving a second comment.

The giveaway will go until Tuesday, April 2nd at 12:00am. And the winners will be contacted on Wednesday.

What The… Fitness? 


I am so excited about our new podcast, What The… Fitness!

1-2x per week, Dan and I (yup, we’re doing it together) sit down with the microphone and chat about all things fitness. Because we don’t know what topics the other has planned, sometimes things can go off topic, but that’s one of the reasons why it’s so much fun.

We might “argue” or debate with one another but again, this is what makes it so great because you get both opinions and hopefully walk away learning something new and helpful.

what the fitness

Check What The… Fitness out on iTunes and leave come 5-Star love for us. And if you have any topic suggestions, don’t be shy.

Q Of The Day: Do you listen to podcasts? 

I love listening to podcasts while I am running or when I’m driving home at night when I just don’t feel like listening to music.

*Lock Lace did not compensate me for my review. They provided me with the product but all thoughts and comments are my own. 

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