06 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Apple Pie Pancakes {Vegan}: Breakfast Of Champions

By admin

Good morning!

After a wonderful solid 8-hours of sleep last night, I woke feeling refreshed and ready to take the bull by the horns for a productive day.

But before the productivity kicked off, I was craving a hearty sweet breakfast… a breakfast that would fuel me to film 2 solid workouts, a to-do list a mile long, and still have energy to get some errands done.

Luckily, I was also in the mood to spend some time playing around in the kitchen. So glad I did!

I’m not a huge pie person, however I love spiced apples, especially fresh picked honey crisps.


We recently received some from a friend and I’ve been eating one every day but wanted to actually use them for cooking too.

These pancakes turned out amazing. If you’re waking up right now trying to decide what to make for the family this morning, make these.

You won’t disappoint!

apple pie pancakes

Vegan Apple Pie Pancakes

Makes 1 big pancake


2 Tbsp chopped apple

1/4 Cup oats (I used gluten-free)

1/4 Tsp baking powder

1/3-1/2 Ripe banana

1/4 Cup almond milk (or water)

1 Tsp chia seeds*

1 Tsp apple pie spice (or make your own)

1/2 Tsp honey (or maple syrup)


1. In a small bowl mix together everything except the apples. Allow it to sit for 2-3 minutes to allow the chia to soak up moisture.

2. Blend it all up (I use a Magic Bullet) until smooth, and stir in apple chunks.

3. Pour it on a hot skillet (Med heat) for 3 minutes or until the edges start to rise and small bubbles pop up. Flip and coon an additional 1-2 minutes.

4. Remove from heat and top with a drizzle of honey, dollop of nut butter, or sautéed apple slices (or all 3 as I did).

5. For the apples, I used the same skillet. Once the pancake was removed, just toss in apple slices and cooke on each side for 30 seconds or so (they cook really fast). Sprinkle with cinnamon and a dash of sugar and add to pancake!

*If you’re not vegan, you can substitute 1 egg white for the chia seeds.


While I savored each bite, I sipped on an apple spiced iced coffee… Recipe coming soon!

Charleston’s Running Scene

Now, excuse me as I have head out to take my grandmother grocery shopping.

But before I do, here’s a picture I took while out running yesterday, which was my last long run before my half!


Posted on Instagram! Do you follow me?

Each time I look at it, I can’t help but think about all the things I’m grateful for. So I am asking you to do the same!

 Tell me one thing you’re grateful for today….

I’m grateful for you, my blog friends who allow me to share my life, my loves, and my passions with you each day.

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