07 February 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Aromatic Orange Lavender Pancake Recipe: National Pancake Month

By admin

Happy Friday. To celebrate the end of this very long week, how about pull up a chair and sit down to enjoy a nice lil’ stack of these babies:


Look great right? And trust me if there was smell-o-blog you would be taken to a zenful zone from the calm and aromatic smells rising from the steam.

Why? Because those pancakes aren’t just a stack of everyday pancakes (Blueberry pancakes were so yesterday).

They’re infused with fresh lavender and orange.

Together, these flavors come together to make the ultimate romantic stack of pancakes. Food can be romantic.

I mentioned a few weeks ago that February is National Pancake Month and because I adore those fluffy little breakfast cakes so much, I decided I would share a new recipe each friday to celebrate the happiness they bring me each Sunday morning.

This particular stack I created using FlapJacks Mix, which I will explain more about below. But I’ll also post the recipe using my go-to pancake batter.

Orange Lavender Pancakes


Makes 2 Servings


  • 1 Cup FlapJacks Buttermilk Pancake Mix* (see below)
  • 1 Cup Almond Milk, Cold
  • 1/2 Tsp dried Lavender
  • 1 Tsp Orange Zest

*If you don’t want to wait for Flapjacks, my normal go to protein pancake mix includes blending: 1/2 banana, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/2 cup oats, 2 egg whites, 1 scoop vanilla protein, and 1/4+ cup almond milk


  1. Mix everything together. If batter is too thick, you can add teaspoon by teaspoon of milk/water until desired consistency is achieved. (Note: if you allow it to sit while the skillet heats up, it will thicken)
  2. Heat a nonstick skillet on medium heat.
  3. Pour 1/4 of batter into skillet and allow to cook until bubbles stop forming and flip. Cook an additional 1-2 minutes and remove from heat. Repeat until batter is used.
  4. Top with nut butter, honey, syrup, etc. These were topped with a peanut butter orange honey sauce.

Orange Honey Peanut Butter

  • 1 Tbs Peanut Butter
  • 1 Tbsp Honey
  • 1 Tsp Orange
  1. Stir everything together.

Next week, I’ll have a new pancake recipe, but some of the previous ones I’ve posted deserve honorable mention:

A few weeks ago FlapJacked approached me and asked if I would like to try out their all natural, protein pancake mixes. As a pancake freak, I gladly accepted their offer.

A few days later these showed up at my door:


Each one has at least 15 grams of protein; contains no additives, preservatives, or artificial ingredients. All natural baby.

Yes, they do contain whey protein which I don’t generally endorse, however, we can’t all be perfect.

These were delicious. Fluffy, light, and because of the protein, extra filling.

I used the buttermilk package for pancakes, but used the apple for baking. I love the versatility! Basically, I poured the pack into a mixing bowl, added honey and a chopped walnuts, and some milk. Then spooned it all into muffin tins. A perfect after dinner treat!

I was really impressed. I am actually putting an order in for another batch because it made breakfast so convenient. No need to dirty up my Magic Bullet.


This month for Pancake Month, they are having a fun contest! Submit your favorite FlapJacked pancakes and get a chance to win a $ 25 gift card. Get creative!

I have so many fun ideas that I can do with these babies!

What’s your favorite pancake?

I love chocolate chip pancakes. They were always a very rare treat when I was a kid, and I felt so special when my mom would make them. Everyone once in a while chocolate chips still seem to find their way into the mix.  

*This post is sponsored by FlapJacked Protein Pancake Mix. I did not receive compensation for the post, only free product. All thoughts and feelings are my own. 

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