07 August 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Ask Away Wednesday: The Most Pressing Fitness & Nutrition Questions Are Finally Answered

By admin

This is continuing on from Monday’s video post. I hated that I wasn’t able to answer everyone’s questions on the show, but I refused to let that stop me.

Because you all had so many amazing questions, I decided that they couldn’t simply sit stagnant in my inbox. They needed to be released out into the internet world so to stop all the confusion when it comes to losing weight, toning up, and eating right.

So, let’s avoid the fluff and get right into it.

Sarah Asked: 

I have been running for about a year now and I completed my first goal of completing a 5K without walk breaks back in May – yea! My time was 40 minutes (plus some) so it really is more like jogging than running, LOL!

My question is, what is the best way to work on keeping up my speed for longer periods of time? I can get my time down to a 10 minute mile for the first mile but after that I’m toast and slow back down to about 12 min. I want to run and I want to be good at it.

First off, congrats on running your first race! That’s always the first step, running a race and completing it. So you’re on track. 

Second, to improve time you have to train. You can’t run faster without well… running faster.

    • Incorporate speed work into your training runs 1x/week to get you started. Here are my favorite speed workouts.
    • When it comes to pace, aim to make the “speed” part a 10 minute mile pace, since that’s your goal.
    • Also make sure to incorporate cross training into your week (Check out FitWomenWeekly for help). Strength workouts of course help to improve core strength, arm strength and leg strength… all 3 of which work to make you a faster runner.

Keep working at it and you’ll hit that goal!

Original post from image.

Kathryn Asked: 

I really enjoy weight training, but I’m worried I’m going to become huge and masculine, how can I prevent this?

weight training

You won’t. 

Unless you’re eating to support muscle gain and lifting to induce muscle growth the chances of packing on bulk are slim. Women simply don’t have the muscle composition that men do and our hormones make muscle growth much harder. 

In general, for a woman to add muscle, she needs to add around 300 extra calories into her daily diet. She also needs to cut back on cardio as cardio is a catabolic process (it breaks down muscle). 

Brandy Asked: 

I just starting biking again and I want to tone my legs and butt, is there anything I can do on my bike to work different areas if my body?

When it comes to toning the butt make sure that you’re doing stuff off the bike as well. Incorporate moves like lunges, squats, jumps, etc into your workout program.

    • When on the bike, the best thing to do is to play with resistance and getting in and out of the “saddle” as the spin teachers say. This is where you stand on the pedals and lift your butt off the seat. 
    • Hill work will help as well, but make sure you tackle each hill and out of saddle workout with 100% effort.
    • Try a spin class or two to get some tips on workouts that you can take with you on your rides.

And again, remember that while biking is great, it’s important to add other forms of exercise into your program to make sure you’re getting a total body, balanced workout. The stronger your core and arms are the stronger you’ll be while on the bike.

Amy Asked:

I walk 4.5 miles in morning and ride the bike 10-15 miles in afternoon 4 or 5 days a week. This is roughly 1200 calories . I have hit a point where I can’t lose anymore would like to drop 8 more pounds any suggestions.

Your body is in need of a “tune up”. While this is an intense program, it’s adaptable, just like any other program. 

When you first started you likely did burn 1200 calories, however now the body has adjusted and it doesn’t find it to be much of a workout. 

    • Change things up. Make sure you’re adding strength training in each week to help increase your overall metabolism and muscle tone which can be lost from doing too much cardio. 
    • Also, change your programs, perhaps try interval workouts during your workouts to help boost the intensity and make your body remember that it’s suppose to be burning calories.
    • The important thing to remember is that each workout should push your body a bit harder than the previous. So think about your speed/terrain (are their hills you can add to make the resistance tougher?).
    • Change your workout completely every 3-4 weeks to avoid plateaus. This can help too: 10 Ways To Bust Out Of A Plateau

Trish Asked:

I would love a short list of ‘easy to fit into your day’ exercises to firm your butt.  Some exercises that I can do for 10-15 minutes a day that will make a difference over time.

Here are several butt exercises: 

Also check out the “Torched In 20” program which offers fast workouts (all around 20 minutes) that you can easily add into the day to work your booty. 

Barbara Asked:

I work out three times a week on weights machines. I also do your boot camp program, can I do that with my other routine that I do at the gym? Also when do u do your own body weight and then machines? I wasn’t sure when to do your programs and how long?

Great questions and thanks for doing the Boot Camp! First, I don’t do machines when I workout. Here’s why I don’t like weight lifting machines.

With the boot camp program: 

    • It’s enough strength training where you don’t need to do machine work after them. 
    • If you would like to concentrate on increasing strength, I strongly recommend working in the weight room on fundamentals such as squats, push-ups, step-ups, etc. These provide much more bang for your buck than the machines.
    • As for out often, I recommend the workouts being done 3-4 days/week. The length of time depends on the time it takes you to complete each workout, but in general they’ll take 30 minutes or so. Afterwards, adding in 20-45 minutes of cardio is a plus if you have the time.

Jessica Asked:

I have recently started running & tracking my food intake with My Fitness Pal.  I am trying to lose just a few pounds and tone up.  They calculated the calories I should eat on a typical day with not working out to lose 1 pound/week.  If I burn 500-700 calories, should I eat what I burn? Help!!

This is a great question and one I hear a lot since I often promote MyFitness Pal

If you’re working out intense, a lot of times it’s efficient to cut calories by 300-500 calories/day and then add in the exercise. 

700 calories is a huge cut back and with exercise added, is too much. Your body is likely trying to hold on to fat.

In general, I don’t know where you are right now in terms of weight and exercise, but:

    • On average women should eat around 1200-1500 calories during weight loss total… regardless of exercise. 

Of course I am not a registered dietician but this is what I see work.

Anonymous Asked: 

How often can I work out with weights? (10-15 pounds), and how long should a typical workout be?…I was told intensity more important than a hour workout, and 20 minutes three times a week good. And I enjoy your site!


First off, don’t limit your weight. If you’re working out and the weights aren’t challenging you, then go up and continue to go up. 

There is no rule on workout length, but you’re right on the money that you get more bang for your buck with intervals and high intensity workouts. 

    • With intervals, you are able to burn the same amount of calories in 20 minutes that you do in an hour of regular, slow paced lifting.
    • For how often: 3 days is optimal, or every other day. It takes around 48 hours for the body to recover from strength training which is why you shouldn’t work the same muscles out back to back days.
    • Sprinkling in a cardio workout or two is a great idea.

Kristin (and a few others) Asked: 

How can I get rid of arm fat? 

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to get rid of “just arm fat”, or just get rid of thigh jiggle or even a spare tire. 

The body holds on to fat where it wants to and let’s it go when it wants to. 

However, the fat will melt away with a program designed for burning it. One that combines both cardio and strength training is the best medicine. The cardio burns calories during a workout, the strength training helps to tone the muscles and also increase overall metabolism.

Not to mention that strength training causes a metabolic boost for up to 48 hours after a great workout. 

Try the Boot Camp program for a great fat burning workout.

Here are my favorite arm toning exercises too.

The. End.

Wowza, and that, my friends, is a wrap.

I want to thank everyone who submitted questions and invite you to send your pressing questions to me.

I love these Q/A posts, and if you do as well, just let me know.

Feel free to ask questions here in the comments or email them to me at taylorryan0406@gmail.com perhaps this can be a regular weekly or bi-monthly event?

Q: What’s your #1 reason to exercise?

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