22 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Ask Away Wednesday: What If I’m Eating Too Few Calories?

By admin

OMG, we leave for Phili tomorrow! What’s a girl to do that hasn’t done anything? Think they would notice if I showed up with my hair in a ponytail, wearing spandex?

I’m thinking not so much.

In regards to my stomach issues yesterday, I am feeling so much better. I thought long and hard about what could be the cause, and I am thinking the stomach pains and nausea were from the change in my multi-vitamin? I took Dan’s yesterday morning instead of mine, so maybe that’s the issue? All I know is that I am better now!

Last night was a different story.

I kept dinner bland last night with tempeh and roasted veggies. I thought that it would be an easy to settle sort of meal, but my stomach got jumpy pretty quickly. After some rest time, it settled and I was A-okay for the rest of the night.

Oh well, you don’t want to know about my annoying stomach issues!

Moving on (up… oo, oo oo).

It’s another “Ask Away Wednesday”! I really love getting your questions and hopefully giving the answers you were looking for. Feel free to post up questions below, put them on the facebook page, or even email me and I will be sure to answer whatever is on your mind!

Ask Away Wednesday: Losing Weight And Popping Pills Edition

What do we do when we realize we actually aren’t eating enough calories but just have no appetite left? I have been working out and have set my goals, but to lose weight safely, 2 pounds a week, I am supposed to eat between 1300-1700 calories per day. I struggle to eat 1200. Any tips for eating enough to ensure the body has enough fuel and protein to keep burning fat/calories? (never thought I would run into this problem to be honest, :)

Believe it or not, this is an issue that a lot of women face because we all have the idea that eating as little as possible is the way to burn fat. Can’t be further from the truth, since this can actually cause your metabolism to plummet and weight to stay right where it is, or even gain weight.

You’re going to have to train your stomach to eat more. You’re not hungry simply because you’re not used to more food, but not because you’re body doesn’t want/need it.

Here are some “eat more” tips:

  • Try adding just 50 calories to each meal, that can be by eating a few almonds, a spoon full of peanut butter, etc.
  • Also add foods to your dishes that are calorie rich, for example if you’re eating a salad add some nuts to the top, or avocado.
  • How often are you eating? To get more calories, I have found that it’s easiest for me to eat 4-5 meals per day (eating every 3-4 hours).
  • Protein shakes are also a great way to sneak in some extra calories… toss a spoonful of nut butter in with it, chia seeds, etc.

After a week or two you’ll become adjusted to the changes.

What I’m asking is what is the right amount of weight I should be burning weekly just so I know the range?

This is a great question! We all want to lose weight overnight, but sadly that just isn’t the case. Keep in mind that weight gain didn’t happen overnight, and it’s not going to fall off that way either.

A healthy weight loss is 1-3 pounds per week. 1 pound of fat is 3,500 calories, so by dieting you would need to cut out about 500 calories per day to lose a pound each week.

But with exercise it can be done much easier, cut back eating around 250 calories per day (which can easily be done just by making healthy choices) and then workout to burn around 250-500 calories (depending on the intensity and duration).

With diet and exercise on your side you’ll be able to stick between the 1-3 pound rule. Anything more and it could be unhealthy weight loss and “fad” dieting where the weight will come right back on once the diet is over.

Slow and steady wins the race unfortunately for losing weight.

Do I take supplements and if so which ones? 

Every one is different in the supplements they take and on their outlook towards popping pills. Personally, I try to get all the nutrients I need for energy, workouts and recovery mostly from my diet. But there are a few things I do take.

I take a multi-vitamin to help with any deficiencies that I could get from being vegan.

I also take glucosamine and chondrotin to help with my knee pain. I started taking it about 6 weeks ago because even though I had full range of motion back in my knee it was still painful and “tight” to walk down stairs and such. After researching up, I decided to give it a go. I’m not sure if it’s simply because my knee has continued to get stronger and heal, or because of the supplement but I have no more pain and can easily hit the stairs again!

I do love protein shakes, however I have yet to find one I really like that is also vegan so I have avoided protein for about 5 months now and feel fine.

Before taking any supplement make sure to research and talk to your doctor.

I want to get a flat belly, I currently have kettle bells and a punching bag, what else should I have? 


To be honest, you’ve got everything you need! Kettle bells are great for strength training and a great alternative to dumbbells/barbells. The punching bag is a calorie scorching, muscle toning monster!

I would recommend using the punching bag for intervals, punch as fast as you can for 20 seconds, rest for 10 and repeat a total of 8 rounds (Tabata workout).

With the Kettle bells also go all out and do total body workouts that include lunges, squats, rows, presses, etc. There is a lot you can do, and I have several workouts at youtube that can help!

If you’re just looking for other good suggestions for a home gym, I recommend a jump rope and perhaps a pull-up bar. But these aren’t necessary, just tools I love.

Wish me luck in getting ready! The house is about to get scrubbed, laundry is almost done and then it’s on to cleaning this girl up!

  • What’s your least favorite part about traveling? 
  • What’s on your mind… let me know what questions you have! I love reading them and helping out.

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