31 May 2012 ~ 25 Comments

Beauty and the Bike Short

By admin

This is an 8 minute version of our 55 minute documentary Beauty and the Bike. The film follows two groups of young women from Darlington and Bremen. Between them, they discover what makes – and stops – teenage girls from cycling. The answer? “It’s the Infrastructure, stupid!” The full DVD is available from www.bikebeauty.org
Video Rating: 4 / 5

In a little under two months the best cyclists in the world — including the reigning women’s world champion Giorgia Bronzini — will be in the National Capital region for the Grand Prix Cycliste de Gatineau. The flagship events are the international women’s time trial on May 19th and road race on May 21st, but there is also a range of other events for athletes of all ages.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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