08 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

BIG CHANGES In Quest For The Crest 50K Training Log: Week 9

By admin

We’ve made it to Friday. This was both the slowest and fastest week ever.

It’s been an emotion roller coaster and I can’t say I’m sad to see this week end.

It also doesn’t hurt that we have an exciting weekend ahead of us… Dan and I get to watch our niece, Lainey, all weekend!


We’re pumped. I’m excited because I decided we are going to have an indoor camping trip tonight.

Tent, s’mores, burgers, the old 9 yards!

As for the rest of the weekend? We’re not 100% sure yet, so if you have any fun ideas for 3 (almost 4) year olds, let me know!

As for training… make sure you read all of this because there are some big changes coming up!

But first, let’s recap last week’s workouts.

Week 9 Training Log

With RKC training kicking off, I kept workouts and running on the light side. I decided one week of lowering my milage wouldn’t kill me since I would be spending plenty of time moving around at RKC.

Though I’ll admit, I didn’t get in as much running as I had intended. But in the long run it was a smart choice.

  • Monday: Rest – I was exhausted from the weekend’s high miles
  • Tuesday: 6 EARLY Miles + Strength Workout


  • Wednesday: 6 Miles – These were FAST! My last 3 miles were 7.30s and faster. Felt great!
  • Thursday: Travel (still got in 10,000 steps!)
  • Friday: RKC


  • Saturday: RKC
  • Sunday: RKC + Travel – In regards to my travels, I will never fly US Air again. Just in case you were wondering

I was suppose to fit in a run Saturday and Sunday morning. Unfortunately, my in-laws don’t live in a run friendly neighborhood. No sidewalks, thin roads and FAST drivers.

My mother-in-law was willing to wake up to take me to Valley Forge, but I hated having her do that at 5:00am when she was already driving me back and forth from RKC Training. Plus, she was nervous about me running solo in the park that early.

Worked out perfectly because I needed all of my strength and energy for kettlebells!

And finally there’s this…

We’ve Been Training All Wrong


If you’ve been following along you know that we’ve been training for a 50K by running. Running a lot.

Well, we’re stopping that.

Dan and Ashton went to Burnsville for a planned training run with the race director and a few runners registered(the photo above was from their hotel) .

They ran much of the course over 2 days and were able to talk with experienced runners about training.

What they discovered was both upsetting and extremely exciting…

Running isn’t going to help.

With the crazy elevation gains and falls, this isn’t a race about running. It’s about climbing.


I love this picture that photographer Marley snapped of Ashton. Ashton never takes a bad picture!

Many of the runners have training plans that revolve around stair steppers and lunge jumps, with running just “sprinkled” in.

The main goal of training is to build the legs up to handle miles of climbing with short bursts of actually running tossed in.

So what does that mean for us?

It means that I’m done with 20+ milers.

It means that fitting in my workouts is going to be much easier.

It means working my ass off to get in shape over the next 3 weeks.

Dan said the run was the hardest thing he’s ever done. And while he thinks he will be able to “make it through” without being thrown off the course for missing the cut off times, he’s worried about me.

That just fuels me more to prove to him and myself I can do this.

Expect next week’s recap to look way different!

Have you ever had an indoor camping trip?

Whip Six Feed

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