05 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Breaking STD News From the CDC

By admin

According to a new infographic just released by the Centers for Disease Control, 24,000 young women a year are affected by infertility due to undiagnosed STDs. What’s more, only 55 percent of the young adults who have Chlamydia actually know they have it—and only 35 percent of those with Gonorrhea are aware of it. Here, more sobering stats:

Get more info on STDs and sexual health:

Types of STDs: Trouble Down Below

Safe Sex: Lay Down Some Rubber!

Scary News About STDs

Beyond Condoms

7 Surprising STD Facts

Why Isn’t Random Hooking Up Scary Anymore?

Two People, One STD—Is Sex Safe?

thumbnail photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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