05 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Bringing The Boot Camp To Lululemon: One Squat At A Time

By admin

This past Tuesday I has the awesome opportunity to teach a boot camp workout at Charleston’s Lululemon!

Lululemon is still relatively new here, but I knew that the company was all about community and spreading the fitness bug through in store promotion and events thanks to Anne (she partakes in the DC Lululemon’s running group/Crossfit workouts). So when they opened doors, I marched in and wanted to get in to the spreading fitness cheer in Charleston.

charleston lululemon

After meeting the awesome crew there (seriously, these girls are awesome), we decided that offering a boot camp workout would be a great idea!

The workout was schedule for this past Tuesday. And as many of you may know from facebook I was a bit freaked out. I “accidently” over trained my calved this week so I was terrified a bit nervous since I could hardly stand up on Tuesday. I tried everything, thanks to you guys.

Poor calves… all they wanted to do was sit down. Instead I walked for about a mile to stretch them out before go time.

I got so many helpful recommendations: foam rolling, stretching (ALL DAY), bananas, cacoa powder, amino (FitMixer) shakes, heat to relax… you name it, I tried it. Nothing worked. Luckily when I got to Lululemon, my adrenaline was ramped up so the pain wasn’t excruciating. I was able to push through.

By the way… this was Dan’s sweet advice:

The best way to cure a hangover is to start drinking again, the best thing for your calves is to go sprint the pain away.

-Um Thanks, and yes I even gave that a go. I think we all know that didn’t help. But it was funny to watch me try to run. But then again I have never been someone who could drink again the day after a crazy day. No back to back days for this crazy gal.

But back to the class…

I had the perfect show for a boot camp! 11 people. This is just the right amount since only one had done a boot camp before. It was nice to be able to memorize everyone’s names and walk around to make sure form was just right. Classes that are too big, you miss out on the intimacy and guidance that I prefer.

Sounds kind of romantic right!? It’s not.

charleston lululemon workout

We started off with a warm-up consisting of moves like stationary lunges, high knees, push-ups, etc. Then moved straight into the workout.

Of course, I didn’t know everyone’s abilities so I made it based around basic exercises that could be modified to be more challenging or less challenging depending on the person.

Here was our Lululemon Workout

I know you want to give it a go! It was great, though I did feel bad by the sweat drips that were left on the floor when it was all said and done. Oops.


Class sped by, the energy was amazing, the people were amazing and we all had a great time (at least that’s what they told me when it was all said and done).

It was such a privilege to be able to do something like this with such a great company! I hope they have me back soon.

The cherry on top was when they allowed me to pick out any top in the store for my time and contribution… sweet! They didn’t have to tell me twice, I felt like Pretty Woman! I immediately knew I wanted this top:

Sorry this picture was taken yesterday morning before boot camp. No makeup on at 6am, no special lighting. This is as good as it gets.

It feels amazing on! Now I just have to put it to the test with a good workout. Now that my calves are FINALLY starting to feel like themselves again perhaps this weekend will perfect!

I still have a gift card that I left at home (silly me), so I plan on going back tomorrow to pick up a pair of capris to go with it. Since I’ve been training for my 1/2 I have lost a bit of weight (not intentionally) and Dan keeps making fun of my workout tights saying that I have a saggy but. Guess, it’s time to invest some moo-la in a new pair.

I think I might go with these:

What do you think? 

  • Have you ever done a local fitness event? Boot camp workout? 
  • What’s your favorite fitness apparel brand? 

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