06 November 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Can A Flat Runner Turn Into A Mountain Runner? {Hill Treadmill Workout}

By admin

I certainly hope so. I’m about to find out…

I would love to tell you a story.

It’s a story about an adventurous couple who were both fit, loved being active and decided that for the next 12 months they would dedicate more time to mini fitness vacations for races/events/etc before settling down to do the whole family thing.


This couple recently participated in a Spartan Race and instantly loved the experience.

Like most races, once it was over the hardships of the event were pushed out of their mind and the only thing they could think about was finding a new challenge.

Something else should be said about this couple:

The wife is a runner.

jirun (1 of 1)

The husband? Not so much.

He refuses to run on the road, claiming it’s too boring. Instead, he only settles for the quiet trails with their branches folding over yielding shade and ever changing views.


As a general rule, he relies on his natural fitness to allow the miles to pass when running is required.

Oh, one more thing, they live in the flattest of flat areas of the country: Charleston, SC. So, while trails are around they aren’t exactly training worthy of mountains.

So back to the story…

This young couple started brainstorming and dreaming of racing adventures to do over the coming months when they stumbled across the Veni Vidi Vici 2-Day trail run in the mountains of Western North Carolina.


Still coming off a race high, they signed up. 2 days, a combined total of 35 miles of nature, hills, bigger hills and mountains.

That couple is of course, Dan and me.

Oh and did I mention that this amazing, once in a lifetime race is next weekend?

The Veni Vidi Vici


Source Go Run Trails

Yea, we’re smart ones.

The good news? Dan and I are splitting the days. While other runners will be running both days, I’ll be doing Day 1 of 20.5 miles, and Dan will take the burden of Day 2’s 14.5 miles.

The Veni Vidi Vici is a race through Pisgah National Forrest put on my Go Run Trails, the same organization that puts on all the other trail runs that I’ve ever done.


I’ve gotten to know many of the “regulars” over the past 2 years and the race directors, Mike and Ame, have become our virtual friends.

So I’m excited to see our trail crew next week!

Since Dan and I are taking turns on the run, we are also taking turns volunteering! I’ve super stoked about this, I’ve never been on the volunteer and cheer side of a race so to get to support the runners while I’m wearing my compression socks and recovering will be a treat.

If you’re an impulsive athlete like my crazy husband and myself, it’s not too late to join in on the fun!

Camping, awesome people and unforgettable views… that’s what I am planning to leave with. Well, except for the camping part. We’re roughing it at the local Hampton Inn since Zoe will be traveling with us (they allow dogs).


Okay so that’s the race…

Training For Mountains

Luckily, mile wise I am pretty confident that I can handle the 20 miles. I did a 20 miler about 1.5 months ago, and I’m in the thick of half marathon training. Miles, I got it.

Same for Dan, while he’s not a runner, he is gifted at adding endurance fast. The Spartan was 8 miles and so if he can get to 11, I think he’ll be A-Okay!

What I am worried about? MOUNTAINS!

These coastal legs are not used to inclines. Inclines burn my legs out faster than sprinting.

And aside from strengthing my quads and glutes, the only real way to improve is to do hills.

SO that’s what I’ve been doing. Hitting the treadmill (there aren’t any inclines steep enough for training here) to get my strength and confidence up.

Hill Workout #1

My first workout I recruited the help of Runner’s Magazine and followed one of their hill workouts.

It included a mile warm-up, then 10 sets of 15 second sprints on a 10% incline. There was a 30 second rest between each one.

I finished the workout with 3 sets of barbell squats. And yes, my ass killed me the next day.

Hill Workout #2

For my second workout, I turned to my imagination.

Come next weekend, not all hills will be the same in incline or distance so I wanted to mimic that as much as possible.

I started with a 3 mile tempo run at 7.50 miles and then did this:


Just in the week that I’ve been training, I can feel my legs getting stronger. My flat runs are already getting faster, and I am growing more and more excited!

Ideally, I would have loved 2-3 months to train, but I’ll settle for 2 weeks.

Have you ever signed up for something and then afterwards wondered what you were thinking?

Whip Six Feed

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