27 June 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Chocolate Energy & Savvy Rose: What I’m Loving Lately

By admin

We made it to Friday! YES!

Dan and I are actually in Savannah for the weekend for the FitBloggin’ Conference! I am so excited to be here and to see some blog friends.

I loved my first FitBloggin’ experience and I am sure this one will match it! After all, Dan and I are a part of it. We will be answering questions on podcasting, so I am very excited to be here an offer some help (hopefully).

This is Dan’s first time coming along on a conference. He’s always been a part of the blog, but no one realizes it because he’s the behind the scenes guy. Well, it’s time for him to take a bit more credit and be other there with me more.

This conference was perfect for him to come along since it’s just 2 hours from home, making it an economically good conference for us to both attend. No airfare!

I’ll share some highlights of the event and Savannah next week.

But for now, let’s highlight a few new things I’ve been crazy about lately.



If you’ve been reading LR for any amount of time, you probably know I am in LOVE with pancakes.

I eat them most mornings with a big dollop of nut butter sauce. They make me happy.

ProCakes recently sent me a sample to try their mix and I immediately tour into the 1-serving bag.

2 egg whites and 1/3 cup of water later, I had smooth, thick batter just waiting to be poured into the skillet.

The package says to use 1 egg and milk but I decided to go for a lighter version. And they came out perfect.


Drizzled with some nut butter sauce I made using PB2 and whole almonds, these babies were just what I needed to help get my day started!

Oh and they are gluten-free and no added sugar!

Because I went lighter, my total pancake had 165 calories, 13 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber (not including the peanut butter sauce).

Savvy Rose Boutique

A few weeks ago, I was walking to the market and stumbled upon a new (to me) boutique… Savvy Rose.

I fell in love quickly with the adorable outfits that I found the store offered a combination of chic, classy and sexy and awesome prices.

I had every intention of just looking around, but walked out with an entire outfit plus this fun bracelet.


If you find yourself in downtown Summerville, drop in!

I just saw this on their website, I might have to make another trip in.


“Rock” Climbing


I can’t wait to go again! Coastal Climbing in Charleston was such a fun date for Dan and me.

I am trying to convince him to let me turn part of our studio into a free climb wall now!

What a great workout, and I was sore in places I haven’t been sore before. But my poor hands definitely need to get tougher.

Coco Madness


Chocolate chewable energy pills? Yes please!

I started taking these last week and I have to say, they’re awesome! I don’t know how much energy the really provide but with a very basic nutritional profile and delicious flavor, I’m all for them.

Coco is a natural energy enhancer and when I wake up at 5am and often don’t get home until 9pm, I need all the help I can get. I don’t drink energy drinks (besides coffee) because of all the crap that goes into them.


These, I feel completely comfortable… I don’t think I’ll have a Jesse moment! And I have yet to get an “energy buzz”.

Being a kid.

I have been spending more and more time making sure my workouts aren’t only workouts but are also fun.

Anytime Ashton and I get together, we’re likely trying to workout but somewhere along the way it turns into playing around with exercises.

It’s feels like recess, yet I am still waking up sore!

Next up… trying to get my back handspring back! I’ll need to recruit the help of my SIL for this one though!

I’ll be sharing parts of our Savannah adventures on Instagram, so if you’re not following me, here I am!

Have a wonderful weekend!

What’s one thing you’ve been loving lately?

Whip Six Feed

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