25 December 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Christmas Favorites

By admin

Merry Christmas!!! At this particular moment in time, there is a good chance I am singing Christmas carols with my family while sipping a mimosa…  and enjoying each moment I am given with them while wishing those that couldn’t be here with us are having a day filled with love, joy, and togetherness.

One thing I will not be doing is stressing over my food or lack of exercise. That will all be back tomorrow. For today, I’m soaking up every minute and giving my body and mind what it wants. Cheers to you doing the same!

I wanted to pop in quickly to wish that on your family as well. May today be loaded with happiness and everlasting memories.

Christmas Memories… 

I thought it would be fun to share some my my all time favorite Christmas memories. Appropriate right?

Favorite Present From Santa: Barbie’s Dream House! That thing was amazing.

Favorite Christmas Food: My grandfather’s homemade fudge. My mom continues to make it every single year. It’s food crack.

Favorite Christmas Tradition: This started when Dan and I got married. He buys a Christmas book, wraps it up all by himself and leaves it under the tree for us to find when we get back from church. He reads it out loud, and we write the year inside the cover. This is a tradition his dad has done since he was a kid. I love it.

Favorite Christmas Movie: This is tough! But I’ll go with White Christmas. It’s a classic that I watch with my mom each year. Christmas isn’t Christmas with out Bing Crosby singing “Snow, Snow, Snow”.

Our Engagement Story

Favorite Christmas Memory: Getting engaged! Technically it was Christmas Eve Eve but close enough.

Favorite Christmas Carol: It’s a close call between Joy To The World and The Holly & The Ivy. When we sing these two at Christmas Eve Mass, I get really into it. Like Buddy The Elf style.

Your turn…

Let me know one (or more) of your Christmas Favorites!
Merry Christmas.


Taylor & Dan

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