04 July 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Claim Independence From Your Diet On Independence Day: Eat Whatever You Want Without Guilt

By admin

Happy 4th of July Eve to all my American friends!

I love this time of year, everyone just seems to be in a happy, laid back kind of mood. Even though it’s hotter than hot right now, the urge to get outside and relax with a cookout is still very appealing.

fourth of july food

Side note… did you know that during the 4th of July, an estimated 155 MILLION hotdogs will be devoured! Seriously? That’s insane. End of side note.

The hot dog isn’t very appealing to me personally but I can tell you what is: the thought of being poolside with a cold drink in my right hand and a guacamole loaded chip in the left! Too bad the 4th is in the middle of the week and we all have to get back to work on Thursday. Otherwise things might get really crazy.

Have you gotten your plans laid out for tomorrow?

It seems like every healthy blog I check out there are recipes for healthy this and healthy that. But guess what… I say forget about it. Because unless you’re in charge of all the food at your cookout or gathering tomorrow the ability to cook all of those healthy alternatives are pretty much nonexistant.

And even if you tell yourself you’re going to stay away from your mom’s infamous potato salad, think how miserable you’ll be for attempting to avoid it all day. After all, it’s the one day of the year where she makes it!

So here’s what I have to say…

Enjoy the day. Eat a little of everything and don’t think twice about it.

But did you catch the trick above?

I said: Eat a LITTLE of everything. Don’t go stuffing the potato salad in your mouth with your kid’s beach shuffle.

Tips On Claiming Independence From Your Diet On Independence Day

independence day

Double The Good To Limit The Bad. 

Allow your plate to be a hodge podge of yummy summer treats.

And if your Independence Day get together should have some healthy options (can’t have a 4th without some watermelon) then double up on these foods which will help you put less of the bad stuff on your plate. I promise, it just takes a few bites of the bad stuff to make you satisfied.

Pile high the first time.

Another trick about eating whatever the hell you want to is to avoid going back to seconds. Don’t grab the cocktail paper plate with the idea that you’ll just fill it up once. No you won’t. You’ll be back and forth to that table all day long piling food on that little thing.

Grab a real size plate and fill it up just once.

The only exception to this rule is going back to the table for your dessert. I don’t like getting my dessert at the same time as my meal, is that just me?

Give away leftovers.

I am notorious for this, no one leaves a party of mine without leftovers. That means less for me to munch on later. There is no 5th of July party so enjoy yourself today but realize that tomorrow you should be back on track and eating clean.

If I have 10 cupcakes left over, of course I am going to eat them. That’s the reason I give away all the food. Plus, your friends will love you for it.

Do you really NEED more of these sitting around the house?


So here’s the bottom line: one day isn’t going to hurt your healthy living reputation, it’s all about moderation. So don’t fret if you show up and no one has mayo-less slaw or that no one has chicken breast to grill up. You’ll be fine. Enjoy it!

The Foods That Must Be At Your Party

I can’t imagine going to a 4th of July cookout and not seeing these foods. I would be one really sad girl. I guess it’s a good thing we have absolutely no plans for the 4th except to continue playing catch up and maybe break for a frisbee match!

It’s Not A Proper 4th Without:

  • Watermelon
  • Veggie plate
  • Blue corn tortilla chips and salsa
  • Guacamole
  • Chocolate chip cookies (my mom’s best friend makes the best)
  • 5 Bean salad
  • Burgers (love the smell of a good burger, even if I am not eating it)
  • The chocolate lava cake above!


  • What are staples at your 4th of July parties? 
  • Which is more appealing: Frosty cold beer or a slushy margarita?
  • How are you spending the 4th? 

Whip Six Feed

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