21 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Comfort Food For An Upset Stomach: Vegan French Onion Soup {Recipe}

By admin

Look at me, two post in one day! I just couldn’t put off sharing this recipe, plus it’s fresh in my mind so I won’t forget anything!

Remember this morning when I said I had an upset stomach? It continued well into lunch, and I knew the best thing would be something simple and light.

I’ve been craving French onion soup for a few days now, so when it was time for lunch I decided to throw together a vegan version.

To be honest, I wasn’t sure how it would taste using vegetable broth instead of the traditional beef broth, but it turned out great!

To make it more filling and complete (without the cheese topping) I added some toasted ezekiel bread croutons.

Vegan French Onion Soup… The Ultimate Cure For Icky Bellies

This makes 1-serving


  • 2 cups of vegetable broth
  • 3/4 cup thinly sliced onions
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tbsp olive oil


  1. Heat oil in small pot on med-high heat. Once heated, add in onions.
  2. Stir frequently to not burn them, allows them to cook 2-3 minutes until softened and slightly carmelized.
  3. Add in broth, yeast, and garlic powder. Bring to slight boil, and cook for 5 more minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, pour in bowl and add croutons.

This hit the spot! It didn’t bother my stomach, and filled me up just enough. Because let’s face it when you’re stomach is in knots you don’t want to be full. Just satisfied.

Off to get ready for our trip… the Mt. Laundry is calling my name and I must go conquer it!

What’s your favorite go to meal when you’re not feeling well?

Favorite soup?

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