12 February 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Cupid’s Shuffle Partner Workout Challenge

By admin

Is it really Thursday? Where did this week go! Trust me, I am not complaining. I’m one of those sappy people that loves all holidays and even though as my husband says, “Valentine’s Day is a corporate holiday created for Hallmark” I still love it.

I’ve got a few little surprises up my sleeves. :)

One being a killer workout.

Dan and I used to work out together regularly, but lately because of our schedules and his recent back “tweak”, it’s been every man for him/herself. Now that his workouts are progressing again, it’s time for us to do what we love, get fit together!

And I’m challenging you to do the same. Let’s make it a “Couples’ Fit Challenge” where you grab your significant other, best friend, roomie, anyone and see how fast you can complete the following workout.

Dan has no idea that I have now committed him to this challenge so that we can post our score on Instagram but it will be fun, so why not?

And let’s face it, with all the chocolate and champagne that is going to be consumed this weekend, it wouldn’t hurt anyone to get this workout done.

So are you in?

The Cupid Shuffle


Workout Breakdown

How to:

  • The couple works together to accomplish the rep goal of each move. You can not move to the next exercise until all the reps are done.
  • Set a timer for 30 seconds, 1 of you will work on the “rep exercise” for the 30 seconds while the other partner is doing the “cardio exercise”. You do not count the reps of the cardio exercise. Continue back and forth between these moves, adding your numbers together until combined you hit the goal reps.
  • Then move to the next exercise. Continue on until all moves are completed!
The Exercises

300 Cupid Arrow Lunges (Alternating)


250 Blowing Kisses Push-Ups


200 Sprint(ers) To Your Love


150 Heart Openers


100 Sexy Push-Ups


I am quite aware that if you show your guy these exercises, he’ll likely roll his eyes at the names. So feel free to change them up to make the workout sound a bit more masculine if that’s what he needs!

Don’t have a partner?

Split the reps in half, set a timer for 30 seconds and go back and forth between each set of two moves until you hit the goal reps!

See no excuses! Have fun with it, working out is suppose to be fun! Sure these moves have other more professional names, but doesn’t it sound better to do Sexy Push-ups instead of dive-bomber? Yum, yes!

Good luck!

Do you like Valentine’s Day?

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