06 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: April 5, 2013

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

“I really miss having chicken pox,” said no one ever. And now, a growing number of people can’t say it—thanks to a vaccine, that pesky disease has all but disappeared. [NYT]

The California hikers who went missing on Sunday have been found alive. [CNN]

Behold, the cutest GIF ever. (Spoiler alert: It involves Prince William and a little girl who’s not so into kisses). [The Cut]

RIP, Roger Ebert. Going to the movies won’t be the same without you. [People]

Commercials about testosterone gel are basically airing on repeat right now. Too bad they don’t mention the fact that most men aren’t deficient in the hormone and that exposure to it can be harmful to men, women, children, pets—basically, everyone. [The Atlantic]

New York City’s Five-Boro Bike Tour might be canceled this year because of all the fees the city wants to charge race organizers. [NY Daily News]

Yesterday, President Obama called California Attorney General Kamala Harris “by far, the best-looking attorney general in the country.” Funny how he doesn’t compliment the looks of any male attorney generals. [USA Today]

New software promises to grade essay questions for college professors—but isn’t that kind of the professors’ job? [NYT]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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