09 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Dose: April 8, 2013

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Being a chocoholic might not be so bad in the future: British researchers say they’ve developed a method to replace up to 50 percent of the fat in chocolate with fruit juice, vitamin C, water, and diet cola—without making it taste awful. [TIME]

A group of Harvard students are using 3-D printers to create more textural paintings that blind people can “see.” [Fast Company]

Word on the street is Brittney Griner from Baylor University might become the first woman drafted into the NBA. Let’s lay off the negativity and jokes—that’s amazing! [WSJ]

You know those beeping alarms that monitor patients’ vital signs in hospitals? Disconcertingly, at least two dozen people die each year because healthcare workers eventually start to tune them out. [AP]

We all need a vacation:  The U.S. Is the only industrialized country that doesn’t guarantee its workers paid time off. [Huffington Post]

A new study found that 20 percent of people in the U.S. have no clue they’re at risk for hypertension—and women are less likely than men to receive treatment. [Science Daily]

Dudes who own Xbox 360s are better in bed than those who prefer to play video games on Wiis, PlayStation 3s, or good, old-fashioned computers, according to a new study. Because there’s no bigger turn-on than a guy with an Xbox controller in his hand… [Guyism]

A vet in California announced that he supports medical marijuana—for dogs. [Medical Daily]

Apparently sperm is one of the biggest exports in the U.S. right now. Nothing like American-made. [LiveScience]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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