18 September 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Do You Live For The Applause… Applause?

By admin

First off HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my amazing husband! 3 years ago, I said ‘I Do’ and I’d do it again today!

three year anniversary

Okay now… 

Do You Live For Applause?

Every day I make an effort to do something selfish.

Something just for me, and I don’t feel guilty about it… AT ALL.

  • Yesterday, I went to run club when I probably should have been writing and editing videos.
  • Today, I’m going to take a 20-minute nap.

And you should too (not necessarily run or take a nap, but do something for yourself).

I don’t know about you, but I often get caught up living life trying to please others. Trying to gain their acceptance. Their applause.

And let’s face it, that can get exhausting.

When I heard Lady Gaga’s new song, Applause, it struck a cord (yes, I actually believe that Lady Gaga has some wise words in her songs).

We only get one life, and it’s important to make it ours.

Take Your Life Back 

We want our spouse to feel loved, our kids to be happy, our friends to feel appreciated, and our bosses to feel we’re 110% committed to the job. If we’re giving 100+ percent to everyone, then what are we giving to ourselves?

A headache and a hell of a lotta anxiety.

I’m a people pleaser, I love making others happy and often think of everyone else before I think of myself.

As a trainer this is a very important characteristic to have!


I love my job!

I’m sure you can agree:

You want to hear praise, and of course you want to hear applause, but you know what…

I’m tired of living for applause from others. Are you?


We have to learn to give ourselves a round of applause on a daily basis.

9 Ways To Applaud Yourself

Even if you only have 5 minutes to yourself, make those minutes the best 5 minutes of your day… your 5 minutes to give yourself a round of applause.

Need some suggestions on how to make that happen?

how to applaud yourself

1. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Seriously, do this right now. You might think I’m kidding but I have $ 1 that says you can’t do it without smiling. Don’t let your daily achievements to by without acknowledging them. Big or small, each time you do something that feels good, give yourself a ‘lil pat on the back.

2. Write down how awesome you are.

We all need a reminder from time to time, so grab a sticky pad and write down “No matter how I feel right now… I am always awesome.” Put it where you can see it. Then as the day goes on, each time your eyes glance over the sticky, you’ll feel a surge of confidence!

3. Take ten.

Why do we feel guilty taking time for ourselves? We shouldn’t! Take ten minutes every day (even if that means sitting in the driveway) to do nothing. Close your eyes and chill out. Acknowledge how hard you work and take in those minutes to relax and let out the anxiety that has built up inside.

4. Say no.

You can’t please everyone, and trying to will make you feel like a failure when you end up doing things either half-ass or having to cancel at the last minute. Know your limits and applaud yourself for having the power to accept what you can and can’t handle. There really are only 24 hours in a day.

5. Soak it up.

You’ve had a long day. You tackled everything on your to-do list so what can you do now? Celebrate your achievements with a bath! Forget folding clothes or washing the dishes – those things can wait. Light some candles, grab a book and relax while your toes turn to raisins and your shoulders finally relax after the chaos of the day.

6. Ask yourself – who’s it for?

Remember how I said sometimes I do things for others instead of myself? Of course we all end up doing things for others, but make sure you’re doing things for yourself first.

Why are you losing weight? If it’s to please your spouse then it’s not going to last. Why are you signing up to be “room mom”? If it’s just to look good in front of the other mom’s then it’s not worth it. Make sure the decisions you make are because you want to make them. If not, reevaluate what’s really going on.

7. Don’t wait for congratulations to celebrate.

You got a promotion at work, congratulations! You’re going to want to celebrate the news with your significant other or perhaps your friends, but why wait? Acknowledge your achievements asap! The faster you do, the better you’ll feel about yourself. It could be something as small as getting a pedicure or it could be as big as buying a brand new outfit.

Still celebrate with those closest to you but say congratulations to yourself within the first 24-hours. You’ll feel on top of the world! I would buy myself another pair of workout shoes, of course!

8. Dance party.

I am dead serious right now. Turn on your favorite tunes, close the curtains and dance your heart out. Even if it’s just for 3 minutes, you’ll feel like the rockstar you are. Imagine being your favorite singer and the room is full of cheering fans. Now that’s some applause!

Right now, I am all about Wake Me Up! It’s my new favorite. Feel free to borrow it.

9. Just say it.

Finally, just say it… tell yourself that you’re perfect for you. You don’t need anyone to tell it to you, you’re strong enough to have the confidence to live the life you want and deserve. Forget the naysayers, forget always aiming to please the unappeasable, and remember that it’s okay to be selfish.

Be your own #1 fan.

What’s your favorite song right now?

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