29 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Do You Remember Your “First” Time?

By admin

You might find this hard to believe, but I am not a very sentimental person.

I don’t keep cards, the only photos we have framed in the house are ones that people give us, and I have yet to get a single wedding photo printed off (did I mention we’re approaching our 3-year wedding anniversary?).


I also hate clutter, so if something is taking up space in my house, and I don’t NEED it, it’s getting tossed. Adios.

You might recall the day when I tossed my wedding dress into a trash can at the fairgrounds? Pretty much sums me up.

But mentally, I am very sentimental. I like to say I have the memory of an elephant. And when I’m by lonesome I often spend time reflecting back over memories.

For whatever reason, that happened yesterday morning on my run.

I looked like a crazy fool running with a ginormous smile on my face. Not thinking at all about my feet, my gait or the ridiculous amount of sweat pouring down my face.

I was thinking about my first time, or should I say all of my first times.

The times of hitting milestones in my fitness journey.

You know, I haven’t always been active and it wasn’t until 2003 (a decade ago already?) that I decided to commit myself to getting and staying in shape.

So to celebrate my 10-Year fitness journey I thought I would share my “first time” with you.

*Side note: remember it took me a while to get into strength training, so be patient. 

First proud fitness accomplishment: 

In May, 2003, I ran 3-miles non stop around the Winthrop Lake. When I was done, I called my mom crying, I was so proud of myself.

First race: 

In October 2003, I ran my first 5K. It was on the Winthrop frisbee golf course with a halloween theme. My time was somewhere around 31 minutes.

April 2005, My first 10K race. I finished a little over an hour, but I finished. I felt as if I had just completed a marathon so of course I celebrated with our friends with a post Bridge Run party. I never imagined that I would be able to run any farther than 6.1 miles.

First time in the weight room: 

In May 2006, Dan took me into a weight room and challenged me to give up my 100% cardio workouts and instead try a mix of weight training and cardio. I was hooked. And mad that it took my 3 years to grab a set of weights.

Here’s a way back when picture from 2006:

dan and taylor 2006

My first weight training move? Dumbbell bench press. How do I remember that? I have no idea but I do… see, elephant.

First professional compliment:

April 2008, The first time I was approached by a trainer at the gym and complimented on my intense weight training. This trainer encouraged me to sign up and train for a figure competition. This one event changed the course of my life.

figure competition

First (& only) figure competition:

August 2008, my first (and what would be my last) figure competition. I felt like a million dollars on stage. Extremely proud of myself but ready to be able to drink a glass of wine. I also learned that while I loved the experience, it wasn’t for me. Looking back, I probably had my old healthy habits of obsessive eating and exercise going too strong. It was too easy to become crazy about counting carbs, calories, and protein.

First training client: 

At the end of 2008, I became NASM certified as a personal trainer. My first client that paid me was a lady I worked with at the breast center (I was a medical assistant at the time).

First time I felt strong: 

At first, I never really felt “strong”, I just thought I was normal for my size. Or had been really weak before and now was where I was suppose to be. Until in 2009, I realized that it’s rare that women can do pull-ups. When I was able to do 15+ at a time that made me feel amazing (which I am working to get back to).

Love having these old videos to look back on! Thanks YouTube… which brings my to…

First YouTube Video: 


First boot camp: 

I opened my first boot camp January of 2008. I remember it was freezing when I met for a consult with a lady who would turn out to be my very first boot camper. Her name was Barbara and talking with her fueled something inside of me that said “I can do this.” I started that first location with 2 clients, and I loved them dearly.

First fitness blog: 

Wow, it was a blog called Total Toned Womens Club. This was my first every writing experience (I hated it) and it was also where “Taylor Ryan” came into the picture. I wrote terrible post that no one ever read. But it was great practice!

First Day After Quitting My “J-O-B”:

June 6th, 2011. Scary, excited and “holy SH*T” pretty much sums up how I felt when I realized that we were going to really go after our (Dan and I’s) dreams of building a fitness business. There was a feeling in the pit of my stomach and nervous butterflies flying all around while at the same time my head was held high and I have a feeling of pride and accomplishment.


Now it’s your turn: 

Tell me about one of your first! 

Whip Six Feed

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