30 April 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Does Sunshine Actually Decrease Dangerous Melanoma Skin Cancers?

By admin


Story at-a-glance

  • Blaming sunlight exposure for the growing incidences of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, has failed to consider crucial information, like the fact that chronic UV (ultraviolet) light exposure may actually reduce the risk of melanoma.
  • Occupational exposure, such as farmers and fishermen, and regular weekend sun exposure are associated with decreased risk of melanoma.
  • Safe sun exposure also optimizes your body’s levels of vitamin D, which is one of one of the most potent natural cancer protections available; a very low level of vitamin D is a major risk factor for cancer, including melanoma.
  • Safe sun exposure, use of a safe tanning bed or an oral vitamin D3 supplement is the best way to optimize your vitamin D level, and thereby decrease your risk of many types of cancer, including melanoma.

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