25 March 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Eat This Instead: Sweet Potato Easter Nest Recipe

By admin

I have to admit it, I’m a little shocked myself.

I’ve managed to keep this series goes for 3 weeks now. 3 weeks = 3 new recipes. I’m on a roll.

I also have to admit that this might be my favorite thus far. Not because of the taste (the stuffed cabbage was amazing) but because I loved themed food. I love making holiday specific meals for loved ones. It makes me giddy to feel creative and “Pintresty”.

For this week, I was craving something more on the brunch side. Anyone else a fan of brunch?

And I new that with Easter approaching, I wanted to do something cute since many of us (myself included) will be enjoying an Easter Day Brunch with our family.

Sweet Potato Bird Nest

So what’s this in place of?

I was inspired by my favorite Easter candy, those Chocolate Coconut Easter Nests that Russell Stover’s sells. Filled with sugary goodness, artificial ingredients, syrups, dyes and who knows what else.


So, I thought… how can I take the traditional Easter Nest and make it into something delicious, fun, and healthy?

I can’t take all the credit, one of my clients loves healthy cooking as much as I do and we share a bond sharing recipes. Together we brainstormed this idea.

Sweet Potato Easter Nest Brunch Recipe

Sweet Potato Bird Nest

Oh, and did I mention you only need 5 ingredients? Of course you can add additional veggies if you want, but this alone will deliver something for your brunch guests to gawk at (in a good way).

*This recipe makes 1 nest

  • 1/2 Cup Shredded Sweet Potato
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Shredded Brussel Sprouts
  • 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
  • Pinch of Chili flakes*
  • 1/4 Avocado*
  • 1 Tsp Water


Sweet Potato Easter Nest

  1. In a bowl, mix together shredded potato, 1 egg, shredded brussel sprouts (leave some for plating), garlic and chili flakes.
  2. Heat a small, nonstick frying pan on med heat (or add a dash of oil)
  3. Once pan is heats, pour potato mix in and create a patty, use the back of a spoon or fork to create a “pocket”. Heat for 3-4 minutes, then use a spatula to carefully flip the patty over to brown the top for 2-3 minutes before flipping back over.
  4. Crack the egg inside the pocket. Pour the water along the side of a pan, and place a lid to allow the egg to steam. Cook to desired preference!
  5. Plate on top of your “grass” of your choice. I used slice avocado and shredded brussel sprouts but spinach, kale, really anything would work well!


Nutritional Information

This meal came out looking huge and extremely satisfying!

Without the avocado: 254 Calories
With avocado: 324 Calories

This is a great breakfast packed with healthy fats, protein and fiber.

What’s your favorite brunch meal?

I LOVE poached eggs, so 99% of the time I order the Eggs Benedict. Yum!

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