17 July 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Embarrassing Gym Issues: 10 Solutions For A Sweaty Crotch

By admin

Last week I kicked off a special series, Embarrassing Gym Issues Women Face.


Because what we feel is embarrassing is actually very common.

We started off with the oh so common, yet still embarrassing issue of peeing when you exercise. If you missed it, just click to catch up!

Because now we’re moving on to embarrassing gym issue #2:

The Sweaty Crotch


{Not even models are safe}

This is quite the perfect follow up to last week’s post. It’s the issue where everyone thinks you’ve peed yourself but you haven’t.

It’s the “fake out”.

I can’t tell you how many times this embarrassing issue has happened to yours truly.

The Time An Entire Gym Thought I Wet Myself

The worst, about a year ago, was while I was logging in a 6 mile run on the treadmill:

I hopped off to drown myself in the water fountain, and as I began walking to the other side of the gym (why can’t gyms put a water fountain next to the cardio?), I noticed several people turning their eyes to me.I was a hot, sweaty mess so I just assumed they were taking note of the drops pouring down my face.

After I guzzled water, I went into the back stretching room and that’s when I realized what was going on.

My jaw nearly hit the ground as I stood in front of the full length mirrored wall.

My crotch had gotten so sweaty, it looked as if I had peed myself a dozen times, nearly half way down my thighs.

To make matters worst, I was on my way to teach a boot camp and had not thought to bring an extra pair of capris to change into.

So for the rest of the night, I made a joke out of it and told my awesome ladies to just disregard my pee-pants.

I didn’t learn my lesson. I still wear those same sweaty crotch capris from time to time.

Why Do Our Crotches Sweat?

Because our entire body sweats! But there is a bit more to the story.

Of course you know that you sweat as a way to cool down. But did you know the more in shape you get, the more you sweat?

That’s because your body becomes more efficient at cooling you down. So if you used to not be a sweater and suddenly you find yourself leaving puddles on the floor, you can give yourself at pat on the back.

As for your groin… it’s a double sweater. Not ideal if you fear crotch sweat.

You see, your body produces two kinds of sweat

Eccrine: which regulates body temperature

Apocrine: which releases pheromones

The groin (and arm pits) contains glands that secrete both, making it a double sweater.

How To Handle Sweaty Crotch

Considering that I keep falling victim of the sweaty crotch on a weekly basis, I am going to have to say I love this particular approach to finding a solution:

Austrialian comedian Sammy J is spot on.

I sweat because I workout… hard.

Sure you could avoid the whole issue by wearing these…

Or by wearing black bottoms ALL THE TIME when you workout, but if you’re like me you like color, variety, and choice.

I refuse to limit my workout options to black. Yes, black is slimming and hides moisture, but it’s boring day after day, after day.

Let’s not forget I wear fitness clothes every day of my life.


So personally, I just opt to accept the sweaty pee crotch look for what it is… a reflection of my commitment to both fashion and fitness.

But I know that many of you aren’t as “free” to this look. And that’s cool.

Here’s what you can do instead…

  • Wear black.
  • Avoid tight fitting workout bottoms like spandex shorts and compression capris.
  • Workout in a really cold room.
  • Wear cotton panties which can help to absorb some of the moisture before it hits your workout attire.
  • Workout by yourself (if a tree falls in the woods but no one is around, does it make a sound?).
  • Wear Kotex crotch sweat panty liners (video above)
  • Powder up with something like Gold-Bond or baby powder.
  • Workout in front of a fan… directly in front.
  • Pour water over your entire lower body to make everything “match up”.
  • Don’t workout. Scared you’ll sweat too much, just avoid the whole ordeal all together.

Just an FYI – I am kidding on many of these, especially #10. Please don’t avoid working out because you’re scared of sweat.

Embrace it.


Real women don’t glisten… real women sweat!

But honestly, the best way to handle the whole down there sweat dilemma is to either wear black or wear loose shorts that allow for circulation. And of course if you really do feel as if you have a sweating issue, don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor.

So tell me…

Have you ever been embarrassed by your body’s reaction to exercise? Share your story!

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