28 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Ep 10 – What The Fitness – Eating Ramen, Calories, And Taylor Swift

By admin

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.
– William B. Sprague

In this episode of What The Fitness podcast, we talked about a lot of different topics related to your health. There are tips and tricks you can use to drop weight and to think about food differently. I challenge you to use them.

First, if you did not get a chance to listen to the interview with Adri make sure you do. It’s episode 9. Adri is an amazing woman and champion jump roper. Here’s a video of just how amazing she is!


Topics, Links, And Notes:

Special Announcements:

Fit Women’s Weekly Premium membership are now open. You can join a different levels to get the workouts and personal training you need to lose weight, get some muscle definition, and just become an amazingly healthy woman. Click here to learn more about it.

– We want listener topics and questions. If you have an idea, topic, or question you want discussed on the show, post it up on our Facebook page here.

– You can also leave me a voicemail with your feedback and topics. Click here to do that… no phones required!

Help What The Fitness Grow!

I appreciate you listening so much. It really means a lot and I hope this is a fun way for you to get your fitness and nutrition information.

Please help us grow by leaving a review (hopefully a 5 star review) of the show over at iTunes. Click here to go to our page or make sure you visit us inside of iTunes itself.

Thank you again!

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