28 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Falling Love With Autumn Inspired Beer

By admin

Like I said in the post earlier, for whatever reason I am in serious need of a pumpkin ale. Don’t ask. After hitting up a few fellow bloggers who I know are serious about their beers, I went shopping!

Tina and Lauren gave some awesome recommendations, but apparently Charleston has a terrible beer supply because I couldn’t find any of their recommendations. To be honest it didn’t really matter because when I saw:

“PECAN HARVEST ALE” ,  I was drawn in.

Something I had not heard of, and something that clearly brought images of autumn. My granddad (aka Papaw) used to pick up pecans for hours and then spend entire afternoons shelling them by hand (did I mention he had Parkinson’s… it was he own physical therapy).

Anything with pecan has a place in my heart.

So the Abita Pecan Harvest Ale went in to the cart and pumpkin was out of sight, out of mind.

When Dan saw the purchase when he was helping me bring in groceries his immediate reaction was:

“Ugh, PECAN!? Have fun with that”

So imagine his surprise when I popped up open and urged him to take a sip and he liked it! The flavor is really smooth, it doesn’t take anything like a pecan pie (though I wouldn’t have minded). It’s flavorful with a hint of spice. Just the way I like it.

Since I am not the best beer conosoir, I’ll let the label do the talking:

Pecan harvest ale is brewed with pale, Munich, biscuit, and caramel malts and Willamette hops. Real Louisiana roasted pecans are added in the brewhouse and give the ale a subtle nutty flavor and aroma.

This stuff rocks (read more about the Abita beer here). It will be perfect for watching some Clemson football and relaxing after a long morning run tomorrow! Off to cook dinner… Curry is on the menu.

  • What is your favorite beer? 

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