04 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Five Friendly Friday Fun Finds

By admin

This week was was simply exhausting for me. Perhaps it was the earlier sunsets or the later sunrises?


Sunset during a jog (Instagram)

While I love fall temperatures, I despise the darkness, I am always tired. Maybe I was a bear in another life, preparing for hibernation?

Anyone else having a hard time adjusting?

Let’s focus on something a bit more positive, shall we?

Five Friendly Friday Fun Finds

Here are a few of my favorite reads from the past week. I have five listed in the title but really there are 6 because the last two are grouped together.

It’s been a while since I’ve done a traditional “Friendly Friday” so let me remind you… if you have a blog or you’ve read an interesting article lately, please share it down below!

I love finding awesome new blogs!

Pumpkin Pie Balls Via The Lean Green Bean

pumpkin pie bit


I still have about 10 days left on my no wheat challenge so I get very excited when I find delicious looking recipes that fit my parameters. Loaded with heart healthy pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia, and a few other healthy add-ins, makes for one happy wheat-free lady.

Journaling Calorie Intake Is More Than Just Numbers Via Workout Nirvana



I haven’t met Suzanne but I feel as if we share a lot of the same philosophies when it comes to both strength training and nutrition. Here, she talks about understanding your body and how tracking your food from time to time (she does it every few months) is more than just about counting calories. It’s a tool to help you understand where you are right now and to get a better grasp on your nutritional tendencies.

Four Lessons Resistance Training Taught Me About Life: MizFit


If you don’t read MizFitOnline, start today. She’s relatable, honest and gives some great tips on life, fitness, family… you get it. She rocks.

What has your workout program taught you over the years? It’s more than just lifting weights or running about miles. I’ve spent hundreds of hours working out and after reading this article I sat for a minute and went over with myself the life lessons that I’ve learned during those hours.

Ways To Beat Running Boredom Via Skinny Runner

I haven’t talked about it all that much here, but starting next week kicks off my 4 races in 5 weeks challenge. Yes, I am crazy. To say I have running on the brain right now is an understatement. I am already getting anxious thinking about my goals.

But this doesn’t mean that I love every single run. Some are great, some are okay, some suck and others are just boring. Skinny Runner lists out 25 ways to beat the boredom. There are some great ideas on there!

And Finally, Bit Of Controversy: 

Life would be boring without a splash of controversy from time to time…

Crossfit’s Dirty Little Secret

Crossfit Doesn’t Have A Dirty Little Secret: You’re Just Irresponsible

I’m sharing both of these together because I love the opinions of both. I’m not sharing what side I am on here but I do think that they are worth reading. Dan and I have been putting a lot of thought into our own training methods because of this article (which is good, we needed to) so I can definitely appreciate both.

What fun finds have you come across lately?

Feel free to share your blog below or suggest one! 

Happy Friday friends!

Wish me luck as tomorrow is my last long run before my half marathon! Wow, how is it already taper time!?

Whip Six Feed

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