03 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Friday’s Useful Random Ramblings

By admin

Raise your hand if you’re excited it’s Friday! If you’re really stoked, don’t be shy to do a happy dance! Me personally, I am dancing all over the place!

Not that I have any crazy plans for the weekend, I intend to spend Saturday running, buying produce and cooking up some new experimental recipes. Sunday… catching up on sleep. Oh Sunday, I can’t wait for you.

But I am not one to wish time to go by faster than it already is, so with that said, let’s celebrate Friday. And no better way that to do some random ramblings.

Not just any random ramblings, things I have learned this week that might just help you too or at least give you something to think about.

If you have anything on your mind that you want to share, go ahead and let it all out in the comments!

My “Useful” Random Ramblings

Olympians have to pay for medals!


While listening to my favorite morning show yesterday I learned that Olympic medalist have to pay taxes on their medals! Seriously, this people have worked their butts off to accomplish something amazing and they have to pay up for it? Am I the only one that thinks we should create a nonprofit group so athletes don’t have to pay out of pocket? Let’s face it not all medalist have amazing endorsement deals like Michael Phelps. Here’s a congressman wanting to drop this law.

I like soy milk.


I am not a huge supporter of a soy heavy diet like tofu and soy milk because it has a profound effect on hormones and can raise estrogen levels (lessons I learned while a medical assistant for a breast center). However, being vegan I have had to settle for soy milk at a few coffee shops around town that haven’t quite gotten on the almond milk bandwagon. What I’ve learned… I like soy milk lattes. They are naturally sweet, creamy and oh so good. I figure 1 per week won’t hurt and between soy and cow’s milk… I am going to go with the soy. But I still think places (uh hum, Starbucks) should catch up to the times and pick up a gallon or two of almond milk.

Poison ivy is crazy.

Poison ivy and I have never been friends, but it’s gotten to an all new level of hatred. Dan and I both have a minor poison ivy issue at this time from filming in a park. We stayed on a walk way, touched NOTHING and yet both woke up with the stuff. What the hell? I always thought you had to rub the plant to get the oils on you, apparently not? It’s not a bad case, but it’s enough for me to never go back to that park again.

Thanks to those of you who sent me tips, between rubbing alcohol and cider vinegar the itch is much better!

Sometimes tough love works.


I will dive deeper into this one on another day, but I will say this. I recently got very “flusters” when a few of my clients were complaining that they weren’t losing weight, even though they acknowledged that their eating wasn’t up to clean eating standards. My reaction… tough love. I stopped class, sat everyone down and went off. We talked about accepting blame, committing and following professional advice. The reactions? Amazing, they were more motivated than ever and since everyone has last at least 3 pounds over 10 days… yuppie!

I can make amazing peanut butter.

-Image will be revealed (tough love?)-

I have tried to make my own nut butters in the past but every time I did I came up short. Normally, I gave up because I thought my processor was too big or I was missing some magical ingredient that other nut butter makers seems to possess. I gave it one more chance today, and guess what… I did it! I just let my processor go to town and do it’s thing without concern of burning the motor (I am a worry wart). The outcome was great: Cashew-Almond Coconut butter! Don’t you worry, the recipe is to come.

Love-hate for pull-ups.

love hate


I know I have been moaning about pull-ups off and on for some time now but it’s because they are my fitness nimesis. I used to be so good at them, then I guess I burned myself out and stopped. Give up on something and you lose the skill… lesson learned. I am finally getting my grove back and getting the drive to start fresh and work hard on them again. Today, I knocked out 30 with my boot campers.

Television Stinks

Did you know the average American household keeps there tv on for over 7 hours a day?

Before the Olympics I didn’t even know how to use our television. We turned our cable off about a year ago, and aside from a movie on the weekends, I haven’t turned it on since… until the olympics. That little box has way to much power to suck you in! What is it about it where we become locked to the screen? I am ready for the games to be over so I can stay away from it again. I am missing my bedtime.

I have to say, people are amazed we don’t watch tv, but seriously try it for a week and you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish and how much you actually hang out with your spouse.

1 Week until Christmas!

adam scott pga championship


Clearly that’s not the case. But my mom gave Dan and I tickets to the PGA Championship for Christmas 2010! We’re finally going to get to use them 1 week from today. Can’t wait.. If I see Adam Scott, Dan might have to hold me back! Jk, but he is quite a hottie!

So that’s it! The rest of the evening I plan on relaxing at a coffee shop (where I am now), cooking dinner, which Dan is in for a BIG surprise, and then heading to the gym for some videos.

Have a great Friday! What are your plans?

Before heading off, if you’re in need for something that will make you laugh, watch this video of the US Swim Team! I saw it about a week ago and can’t believe I forgot to share it with you!

Source for Thumbnail image: lostgenygirl.com

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