10 July 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Friday Fun: A to Z Survey

By admin

Our time in Philly is passing quickly and I am trying to savor each moment we have. Today we’ll be driving up to the Poconos for the Spartan Race tomorrow!

Yesterday, we had our final training run around Valley Forge. I first ran the ~7 mile loop a few years ago, and loved it. To think of all the history that went on here, blows my mind.

My feet are running where George Washington could have also treaded.


To keep things light around here today, I recently saw this survey on Julie’s blog and thought it would be a fun way to end the week!

I love these kinds of things on blogs so I hope you do as well!

Feel free to play along and share a few answers with me!

A – Age: 31.

B – Biggest Fear: Not being on time. I’m early to EVERYTHING.

C – Current Time: 4:21 p.m. (on Tuesday)

D – Drink You Had Last: Iced Coffee. Can we discuss this iced coffee below? On our way home from the mountains Dan needed a caffeine kick and ordered a large. Not realizing it was going to be the BIGGEST iced coffee either of us had ever seen. Yes, he drank it all.

E – Easiest Person To Talk To: Dan.

F – Favorite Song: Tough one… It’s All Coming Back To Me, Celine Dion (best song to sing badly to)

G – Grossest Memory: My brother used to hock loogies in the shower, when it was my turn, they would be stuck on the tub. Gross.

H – Hometown: Charleston, SC. I grew up in a suburb, Mt Pleasant and now live West Ashley.


I – In Love With: Dan and our “girls”… Nike & Zoe.

J – Jealous Of: People who naturally have a 6-pack. Like my husband.

K – Kindest Person You Know: Ashton is my go to for help. She’ll do anything for me. And my mom!

L – Longest Relationship: Over 10 years with Dan!


M – Middle Name: Dale. Named after my grandfather. I kept my middle name and dropped my maiden name. I was very close with my grandfather.


N – Number of Siblings: One.

O – One Wish: For our website and local gym to get to the level we have been working for.

P – Person You Spoke To On The Phone Last: A lady about running a local commercial.

Q – Question You’re Always Asked: “How can I lose this?” (while pointing to trouble area). And “What are you and Dan doing next?”

R – Reason To Smile: We’re visiting family!

S – Song You Last Sang:How Long Will I Love You” by Ellie Goulding.

T – Time You Woke Up: 5:02 a.m. ← Those 2 minutes make a difference.

U – Underwear Color: Not wearing any.

V – Vacation Destination: So many places! The Alps (2016 we will run this Eiger trail run)! Costa Rica, Alaska, JMT… this list could go on and on!

W – Worst Habit: Picking the skin around my fingernails. It’s embarrassing and gross.

X – X-Rays You’ve Had: Lots… Back, leg, wrist, face, fingers, and of course, teeth.

Y – Your Favorite Food: Crab cakes. Especially crab cakes Benedict.

Z – Zodiac Sign: Aries.

Whip Six Feed

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