06 June 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Friday Happy Hour Workout Plan

By admin

We made it to Friday!

Thank you for your patience this week as I work on getting ahead with LiftingRevolution for next week, as well as making a few changes to the style of posts I do.

To celebrate the ending of the week, let’s kick off the weekend with another workout?

What do you say?

The Happy Hour Workout

The 5 O’Clock clock-out might lead many people to rush over to their favorite bar for a happy hour (or two) of drinks, appetizers, and laughter.

I’m not opposed to this at all.

In fact, most Friday’s you will find me having a happy hour of my own on my back porch with Dan.

However… I am challenging you to spend an hour this weekend being happy doing something different…

Happy to sweat.

I have an early wedding on Saturday, so I’ll be waking up extra early tomorrow to get my long run in. Then on Sunday, you’ll find me in my gym doing this workout.

If you have an hour of movement already planned, that’s awesome. If not, and you need a little fitspiration, Pin this baby!


(See below for moves!)

There Are Different Levels Of Sweat

I mentioned above that if you already have “movement” planned, stick to it.

What do I mean by that?

I am not suggesting you have to get a 60-minute all out balls-to-the-wall workout down this weekend.

Maybe you kicked butt all week long in the gym and the weekend is your recovery time.

Makes sense right?

That’s fine! You can always do this workout next week.

But “recovery” doesn’t neccessarily mean sit on your butt and get a tan (though I definitely need some sunshine)!

You can still take an hour this weekend for your Happy Hour Of Fitness…

  • go for a bike ride…
  • go swim…
  • Chase the kids around…
  • Get creative!

The trick is simply to move more. Especially, since we can most likely agree that the weekends tend to include more relaxed choices with food and a bit more calories in the liquid and solid form.

Studies have confirmed that cheat meals on the weekends can slow results.

The “Weekend” Happy Hour Moves

Here’s a quick run through of the moves:

Kettlebell Swings

Uneven Push-ups

(Alternate Sides)

Split Squat

Tricep Extensions

Mt Climbers

Food For Thought…

What’s your favorite happy hour cocktail?

A glass of proscecco for me… with a cherry! To have this view again would be great too!


Whip Six Feed

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