05 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: Best Motivational Books For Your Workouts

By admin

I know you’re excited for Friday! I am too, but what I am really excited for is tomorrow. Tomorrow, I kick off the final year of my 20s with the Cooper River Bridge Run 10K. I have been focused on this race for quite some time now and feel that I am in a great place mentally and physically.

I’ve put in the speed work, the tempo runs and the rest (rest is key!), now it’s just time to show up and put that work to the test.

This race was the one last year that taught me I could be a runner. More specifically, I learned how to motivate myself and push through walls to accomplish much more than I thought possible.

One of the best ways I stay motivated during my training (running and weights) is to listen to fitness-minded audiobooks that make me think:

“Wow, if this person can accomplish this… then I can suck it up and finish this workout/race.” 

There have been many runs and workouts when I wanted to shut down and call it a day. Then I remember whoever I am reading about and push till it’s over. That’s a great feeling.

Because I need to get my mind focused on my goal, today’s Friendly Friday is about sharing the best motivational books that I’ve listened too over the past few months.

By seeing them again, the goal is to conjure up some “get me pumped” emotions as well as to offer some great reads/audio to you!

Friendly Friday: Best Motivational Books For Your Workouts

I’m Here To Win: A World Champions Advice For Peak Performance
By: Chris McCormack


Chris is a 2 time Kona Ironman champion and is the most decorated triathlete in the world. This book highlights his highs and lows but more importantly brings to light the passion and commitment needed to be an athlete, whether professional or recreational.

His “in it to win it” attitude is contagious and by the end, I had an increased level of confidence and excitement!

What I love the most is that over half of the book is about the mental aspect of the sport. You already know that I thing any fitness competition/workout is about 75% mental.

50/50: 50 Marathons In 50 Days
By: Dean Karnazes

50-50 marathons

This is the second book I’ve read listened to by Karnazes, and like the first (Ultramarathon Man), I wasn’t disappointed. Dean is a crazy ultra marathon runner and extremely goal driven man. While his first book was about hitting up 200 mile races and even a race on Antartica… 50/50 chronicles his 50 day road trip through all 50 states to race in 50 marathons.

He didn’t sell me on the idea of doing back to back races but I was inspired to start thinking about a fitness bucket list as more of a reality and not just a dream.

Why not go race in Italy or climb crazy Indian ruins?

A Life Without Limits: A World Champions Journey
By: Chrissie Wellington

life without limits

I was really excited to see a “suggested read” written by a woman athlete. Chrissie is another Kona Iron(wo)man and is freaking amazing. In fact, she holds the record for the most female wins: 4.

This book talks about her journey from landing a job in the real world, discovering her passion and natural talent for triathlons, and becoming the best in the world… several times over.

While many of the guys (both above) can come off as arrogant and cocky, Chrissie is humble and very relatable. I think that’s why I loved it so much… even when knows she is the best, she still seems surprised and proud of each and every accomplishment.

Read this first! 

Mind Gym: An Athletes Guide To Inner Excellence
By: Gary Mack 

mind gym gary mack

I have mentioned this book already, but in terms of motivation, I couldn’t leave it off the list.

Written by sports psychologist Gary Mack, it reveals the mental battles that drives athletes to either succeed or collapse. The lessons taught can be used for much more than just working out, a lot of what I read I have tried to keep in mind when I am working. When I want to turn off the computer or avoid a to-do.

After reading this book (yes, I really did read it), I felt like I was in control of my emotions and aware of my strengths and weaknesses. Being aware of course makes you strong in the end!

I have many more that I could add to this list, but this is a great start. Now excuse me, as I have to head off to the race expo before all the crazies come out to play.

Expect a full recap after the race!

Do you listen to audio books? 

What motivates you the most?

Another motivating factor is knowing that I have a plan. I love having my workouts drawn up ahead of time. Knowing what i have to do makes takes off pressure and helps me to concentrate more! I also always remind myself “it’s only for ___ minutes, push through.”

Do you have a workout regiment planned out? If you don’t I definitely suggest checking out the Fat Blasting Boot Camp Program or the Torched In 20 (20 minutes workouts). I am 100% confident and proud of these programs and love the opportunity to offer them to my readers for a “pay what fits”… they can be free or you can pay just a bit to support me! Either way CHECK THEM OUT!


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