17 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: Blend Edition

By admin

Chances are good that right now I am flying across the country. This morning I left my little condo in Charleston and boarded a plane for Salt Lake City, Utah.

Considering that I can count the number of times I’ve flown on one hand, and I’ve never been out west before, to say I am excited is an understatement.

I’ll be in Park City until Monday for a fitness blogger’s retreat: Blend.

blend retreat

While I can’t wait to see old and new blog friends, I am a little nervous about this whole altitude thing. Especially since there is a 10-mile run on the schedule.

Should I be nervous?

Because of today’s events, today’s Friendly Friday is highlighting some of the ladies that I’ll be hanging out with. More specifically, those that will be carpooling with me from the airport to our hotel.

If you’re new, Friendly Friday is where I share great blog posts that I’ve found during the week.

Today, however, I’m highlighting entire blogs. Check them out and in the comments below share your favorite blog (or your own blog).

Lindsay @ CotterCrunch.Com


Lindsay is amazing, I’ve enjoyed reading her blog for quite a while now. She is married to a pro triathlete, how cool is that? On the blog she discusses her husband’s training, her training, and some amazing recipes that she helps to keep her superman ready for his upcoming events.

Can we say best wife ever?

Christine @ LoveLifeSurf.com


Christine and I almost a year ago at FitBloggin. Her sincerity and easy going spirit made getting to know her a must. I love her blog as she often talks about the mental side of staying healthy.

Don’t get me wrong, she talks plenty about yoga, running, and of course surfing, but what I love most is that like surfing, her words seem flawless and easy going. But always leaving you to question yourself at the end.

Check it out. And check out my post I wrote for her a few weeks back!

Paige @ YourTrainerPaige.com


As the name eludes, Paige is a fellow personal trainer! I can’t wait to talk with her in regards to her training beliefs. I love talking with other trainers, I think we have a lot to learn from one another to become stronger with our own clients.

Over at the blog, she talks all things fitness, nutrition and life. I knew from the second I visited and saw that her headed was a photo of her doing a TRX that I would like her.

Her recent post: Doubling Up Your Training W/ Combo Exercises made me smile, since this is something that I do all the time.

Combo moves = lots of muscle activation = lots of toning and calorie burn.

Lindsey @ RunStretchRepeat.com

run stretch repeat

I’m all for running, stretching and doing it all over so what’s there not to love here?

After Lindsey had her baby (who is an adorable 2 year old), she needed to get in shape. Running and yoga turned into her passion and I just realized that we ran our first 1/2 marathons right around the same time last year.

Go us!

Her writing is light hearted, and sincere. She let’s you know that she isn’t perfect, and that piece right there is why you’ll love her. Bloggers are able to share the pieces of their lives we want to share, sometimes we “paint” an image that isn’t far from the truth but is a bit more rosy than the truth.

Not Lindsey. It’s honest and great.

I can’t wait to share more of Blend with you in the coming days. I’ll be there until Monday so if you have any suggestions on places to see and eat, SHARE!

Have a great Friday!

Whip Six Feed

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