01 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: Blogger Spotlight Of The Week

By admin

Happy Friday! I hope you have some great plans for the upcoming weekend. We have some quality friend time on the books and I can’t wait. Low key but surrounded by those we love, couldn’t ask for a better weekend.

While I love my friends here in Charleston and wouldn’t trade them for the world, I am so fortunate to be apart of this crazy blogger circle as well. It’s hard to explain, but sometimes I feel like I’m in a grown-up sorority. The fitness/health blog world is close and even though I haven’t even met ALL of my blog friends, I know I can go ask for advice/help at any time and get the support needed.

And because I love my friends, I think they deserve a shout out from time to time! Friday’s are going to be dedicated to calling out some of the great posts that I have read throughout the week that I think are worthy of your time.

If you have read something great, or perhaps you have a blog yourself, please feel free to leave a link in the comments to your favorite/best post of the week!



The Perfect Diet:

Casey Ho over at Blogilates (if you haven’t checked out her Youtube channel do it) talks about putting an end to the idea that there is one perfect diet that works for everyone. Find out what happened to her raw vegan friend to make them bring meat back into the picture. What I love most is the idea that no one person is right… just read it to see for yourself.


Pull Back The Curtain:

Miss Zippy talked about the reality of being a blogger. It can sometimes be like a reality show, there is 24 hours in a day but we get to pick and choose what we share. Unfortunately, sometimes what we share is somewhat inaccurate of our life.

Here’e mine: Smiling after the hardest race of your life for an Instagram picture? It’s a fake smile… The photo of dinner, yup it looks great but what you don’t see is that the rest of the table is covered with some much stuff we can’t actually eat at the table.

Read about her dog pee for more!

run to the finish

Perfection Is The Ultimate Illusion:

Right now I am committed to getting my mind in the right place to help me push out of my comfort zone and to be more confident and successful in all facets of my life. Amanda’s post couldn’t have popped up on my reader at a more perfect time. Are you stressed trying to be perfect? Do you get upset with your partner because they aren’t perfect? Stop setting standards so high and follow her tips to be happy with your imperfections while still striving to be the best you can be.


She Rocks Fitness Workout:

Katie is awesome! I Love her amazing photos and inspirational messages, but what I am loving about this particular post is her workout. Need a quick, booty busting workout for the weekend? Give it a go! Some circuits floating around the internet are so “mundane” but this was is really awesome: full body, no equipment and sweat inducing. All the elements necessary for great workout experience.

If you have a blog post or you’ve read something that deserves a shout out
then please feel free to post in the comments! 

Let’s make it a great “Friendly Friday”.

Completely unrelated… I’ve been posting my “Pegan” meals up on Instagram each night, I’ve gotten a lot of questions sent in and would love to hear from you. Would you be interested in seeing a “roundup” of my Paleo-Vegan meals? I had not really planned on it, but if you’re interested then of course I’ll toss something together! :)

Happy Friday.

Whip Six Feed

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