08 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: Blogger Spotlight Of The Week

By admin

We’ve made it to Friday, how was your work week?

To be honest, I need a bit of support this Friday. I’ll post up my concerns below because I really don’t want today to be about me:

It’s Friendly Friday!

Where I get to post up my favorite blog posts that I’ve come upon throughout the week.

The fitness blogosphere has some very talented people and I think they should be given a high five from time to time. Consider this their high-fives!

If you have a blog or read a great post this week please leave it in the comments below. I love finding new blogs and such.

Why I Hung Up My Competition Heels


Shelsea is a former pro bikini model. I love that she opened up so much this week in explaining why she left the stage and the impact it had on her mind and body. As someone who often feels they have to look a certain way because of this industry, I truly appreciated her candidness.

Check it out!

Banana Chia Bites

running to the kitchen

muffinsRight now any recipe I can find that is already vegan and paleo friendly is a winner. I love experimenting in my kitchen, but seriously sometimes it’s nice to have something already planned out for me.

Gina is amazing in the kitchen, so I have no worries that these banana chia bites will let me down.

I’m on my way to make them right after I finish typing away as a matter of fact. TGIM… Thank Goodness It’s Muffins!

Do these not look awesome? I’ll let you know how they come out.

The Weight On The Barbell Is Important Not The Scale

nia shanks

We all struggle with trying to avoid the dirty little scale on the bathroom floor. It seems to pull us towards it with a gravitational force we can’t fight. But the truth of the matter is, so what. What does the scale say about you?

Nia really helped to pump me up this week for my personal strength training. This lady is awesome in the weight room and is a great source of motivation. Forget trying to see a number go down and instead focus on numbers you can control that should be going up… do this and you will see results! Thanks Nia!

Now if I could just squat like this girl, I would be one happy lady.

Tots Who Hate Veggies And Pregnancy Recovery


Marks Daily Apple is a blog I enjoy reading but not because I agree with everything he says but because I love hearing his opinions on things such as why grains are the most awful things we could put into our bodies (which is why I am doing this pegan challenge). I am not on “Team Mark” but the man does write some great posts.

This particular one he covers how to handle kids who don’t like veggies… something most parents have to deal with. Then he goes into how to recover from pregnancy. A man talking about pregnancy? I know, I know… but he makes some great points for all my pregnant friends out there.

On more shout out…

Need An RD?


My friend Anne over at fANNEtastic Food has just recently passed her RD exam and is now officially a registered dietician. Not one to wait long before taking action, she has already launched her own nutrition consulting business. Need an RD to help hit your goals, check her out. Though she is based in DC, she’ll Skype with you to help you hit your goals.

Did you missed last week’s Friendly Friday?


I have been feeling pretty sluggish and extremely tired. At first I didn’t give it any attention, but then it hit me… is it my pegan diet?

It’s been 2 weeks since I cut grains out of my diet in an effort to see how a high fat vegan diet would make me feel. Well, I don’t think it’s making me feel so great. It’s as if my body is taking a longer time to recover from workouts and by time 9:30 rolls around I just want to crash.

I don’t want to give up when I only have 2 weeks left, but at the same time starting next weekend, I have 4 weekends in a row of races. I need to be in top shape, especially since the final race of the 4 is the BIG Palmetto70.

Just things I’m thinking about right now…

If you have a blog to share or you learned something interested this weekend, please comment below!

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