19 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: Ending The Week With Smiles

By admin

Another work week has come and gone!

For me that means prepping for yet another fun competition day tomorrow morning: Charleston’s Bull Dog Challenge.

I promise, after this weekend I am taking some time off to rest this body of mine. I have to admit, I am proud of the strength it’s been able to demonstrate over the past few weeks of hard training and races.

Before I jump into today’s Friendly Friday, I wanted to share a local event.

Charleston’s 5K For Boston:

On Sunday morning, several (perhaps hundreds) of Charleston runners and fitness enthusiasts will be meeting at Colonial Lake downtown for an informal 5K run dedicated to Boston. The run starts at 8am, so if you’re interested just show up. Dan and I will both be there. If you are going, let me know!

charleston run boston

Image source

Now time for Friendly Friday! This is where I share some great blog posts, articles, videos, etc that I have found during the week.

If you have something to share, please feel free to do so below.

Friendly Friday: The Perfect Pick Me Ups For The Week 

losing weight in the city

Losing Weight In The City: Proud To Be A Runner

My body broke out into goose bumps with every Boston dedicated post  (which there were tons, rightfully so). But this one really struck a cord in me.

The goose bumps came and then I almost felt a tear.

Theodora is fabulous! In this post she talks about the connection between runner, supporter and spectator. Her mom has been by her side for every marathon she’s done and that love/support between the two really depicts those waiting at the finish line.

It also made me think about the amazing support that I receive from my husband. I’ve already mentioned that Dan doesn’t really love me being a runner, yet he is always at the finish line. Cheering me on, snapping celebratory pictures, handing me water and giving me the hugs I need.

brad gouthro

Brad Gouthro Fitness: 6 Rules Of Cheat Meals

You know I love cheat meals/days!

For me, my cheats come most often on Saturdays with some wine and dessert after dinner. I don’t go crazy but I do make an effort to eat a few more calories than I do on other days of the week.

While cheat days are fabulous, there are some wise rules to follow. I could talk about them until I am blue in the face, but I think Brad did a pretty good job in his post.

These rules can help keep you accountable! Print them off, stick them on the fridge and follow them.

miz fit

Miz Fit Online: Take What You Need

I don’t really want to spoil what Miz Fit did but I will say this is perhaps the best idea I’ve seen in a long time to raise moral around you. Just the simple act of doing what she did, would have me smiling for days.

In fact, you never know, I might tackle this challenge this weekend when I am downtown.

Read the post above and then here’s the follow up on how it went: Take What You Need Follow-Up

What is one thing that made you smile this week? 

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