23 August 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: New Found Loves

By admin

It’s Friday! After an overly exciting weekend last week, I am looking forward to a weekend of getting things done.

Lots of work, lots of house projects, and a few workouts tossed in for fun.

What’s on your agenda? 

As for Friendly Friday, I wanted to share a few new things I’ve found lately. These are not sponsored items just a few fun and tasteful things I have found on my own.

Kevita Mint Mojito

kevita mint mojito

You may have seen this on my Instagram a few weeks ago. I LOVE Kevita probiotic drinks… a bit fuzzy, a bit sour and a bit of amazingness in one jar. As a vegan, I have to look other places besides the typical yogurt container for probiotics, which is why I picked one of these up about 6 months ago to try. So glad I did! The Lemon Cayenne has been my favorite until now.

I had heard about the new flavor months ago, but it was only until recently that my Whole Foods started to carry it.

I was like a little kid shaking with excitement as the lady checked me out. Pretty sure I snatched it from her hand before she had a chance to ask me if I wanted to carry it or have it bagged.

On the delicious scale? A 9 out of 10 (I don’t think I’ve ever given something a perfect score). It was awesome, try it out if you see it!

Coconut Palm Sugar

coconut sugar big tree

I’ve seen coconut sugar for a while, but it’s a bit more expensive then I generally care to spend on sugar (normally I just grab turbinado sugar). But since I had a cake to make last weekend, I decided to splurge and finally give it a go.

So glad I did! It has a unique flavor that isn’t “coconutty” at all. Actually, I think it has some what of a licorice taste to it. The bag says “blonde” so I expected it to be white, silly me. No, it’s the color of brown sugar. Which works out well, because I used it to make a syrup for my pancakes.

The label says it has a low GI, I plan on researching this more this weekend. This is the palm sugar I purchased.

LuluLemon Skirt

lululemon skirt

I am behind the times on running skirts, but I finally decided to join in with this fashion fad. I am so glad I did!

I love this Lululemon Pace Setter skirt, I love that I can feel feminine and cute while running and teaching boot camps. Plus, even though it’s not black, you don’t end up with that “I just peed my pants” look that I seem to get after running in my colored shorts and tights.


Iced Coffee

mason jar iced coffee

This isn’t my picture but looks just like mine {Source}

I don’t know what is going on, but for the past 2 weeks I have been 100% devoted to ice coffees.

If the coffee is fresh, I pour about a cup into a freezer safe dish, and stick it in the ice box for about 10 minutes. Then into the mason jar it goes along with ice, almond milk, vanilla and a dash of stevia.

I twist on a lid, give it a good shake and voila… an almond milk iced latte!

I make sure to use extra dark coffee!

What are you loving right now?

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