07 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: Things I’m Loving (That I Think You Might Love Too)

By admin

It’s Friday! This week has been filled with clouds, rain, thunder and very little glimpses of sunshine. And it’s not over yet… the Tropical storm is no joke. I’m ready to the week to be over and these stormy days to be behind us. Please, for my sanity and health…

Zoe is afraid of thunderstorms so she has been whining and carrying on each night. Last night… 3 hours. That’s how much sleep we got. I’m pretty sure at this point that my bags have bags and they might be planning another get away soon so packing up a smaller handbag to tag along.

Luckily, I am staying the night with my niece tonight and leaving the dog behind with Dan. I feel bad for him, but I’m super pumped for a full night of sleep. That is assuming this ball of energy will allow it.


I’m changing things up for Friendly Friday today. Instead of sharing other bloggers, I have some products that I want to share. These are things that I have recently found and am loving.

A few of them, I am going to give full reviews of next week but until then, here’s a sneak peak!

Friendly Friday: My Favorite New Finds

Athletic Greens: 

athletic greens

I started using this 2 weeks ago and so far I am loving them. This is definitely something that deserves more attention, so I will be sharing more info on them next week and why we started taking them in the first place. If you’re interested to read more on Athletic Greens you can check out their website here (this is an affiliate link because I truly am loving these). If you would rather not go through my link, you can check their website here.

Nike Free Bionic Training Shoes


My first pair of minimal shoes! I was nervous about them but with my weight training I wanted to try a more “barefoot” style shoe.  These definitely deserve more attention, but for now… aren’t the colors awesome? These are the new Nike Free Bionics. More to come after a few more workouts!

Trader Joe’s Coconut Body Butter

coconut butter body

If you love smelling like a slice of coconut cream cake, you will love this. I put it on before bed every night in the hopes of having delicious dreams! I don’t know why it took me so long to get this. It’s amazing and no matter how many times I use it, it’s still gives me that “wow, this is the best stuff ever” feeling.

Vega One Nutritional Shakes

vega one

I love Sunwarrior protein because for the price and it taste amazing. I’ve seen Vega in Whole Foods and have heard great things about it, but it does cost a pretty penny. I was excited when I was in Utah that my roomie, Amanda is an ambassador for them and loaded me up with tons of samples.

It lived up to all the hype. This protein is amazing! No chalky taste, blends well, and with 15 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber and added probiotics, it is a nutritional shake I can actually support. Here’s the site for Vega One.

Under Armour Headbands

I love headbands when I workout because I have layers that don’t like to stay in my ponytail. I also happen to have a small head and most end up slidding or flying off my head before my workout even gets started.

These Under Armour skinny bands have been doing a great job, I love that they have small pieces of rubber to add some “grip”. I’ve been sporting a different one every day of the week….

It’s kind of like day of the week panties, but fitness style! At the Green & Lean 5K, I was sporting a pink one.

This Isn’t The End…  

Next week, like I said, I am going to share a bit more about Athletic Greens and why we’ve added them into our daily routine. Plus, I have to share my Nike review! I have only logged one workout in them so far and want to do few more so I can give a 100% honest review. Deal?

If you’re curious about any of these let me know and I’ll make sure to answer your questions.

Okay, now I am off to train some boot camps and hang out with the cutest (almost) 2 year old ever.

What are you loving right now?

*Some of these products were provided to me, however all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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