05 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: Things I’m Loving

By admin

I am loving a lot lately.

I am loving that fall is right around the corner, I am loving that today I am doing a private boot camp for a bachelorette party (so much fun), I am loving that my husband is having a guys weekend, I am loving all of my blog friends/readers and I am loving the 10 mile run I have planned for tomorrow.

But those aren’t really things that are useful to you, well except for the fall part. I think we’re all a little excited for some morning chill and pumpkin EVERYTHING.

Can I get an amen?

On top of my personal loves, there are a few items that I have come to love this week that I have been really excited to share with you. I love reading about great finds from other bloggers, I hope you feel the same.

Just Kenzie Jewelry

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Kenzie King is a client of mine, and when I first learned that she was a jewelry maker, I was dying to see some of her work. She runs a local gallery here in Charleston but on the weekends also sets up a booth at our local farmer’s market. I stopped by one Saturday post run and fell in love with her unique style and with the fact that no two pieces are alike.

When I say she makes jewelry, I don’t mean she strings beads… I mean she makes jewelry. Metal work, precious stones… she’s amazing. I have worn my necklace several times and continue to get compliments on it.

If you’re looking for something a little funky, classy and very unique, check her out: Just Kenzie Jewelry!

Biggs Featherbelle Fresh Ming &Sugar Body Scrub


Aside from washing my face and shaving my legs, I don’t really put that much time or effort into my beauty routine. But I’m trying. I understand that if I am willing to spend money and time on my fitness, I should be willing to do the same with my beauty regiment.

I guess that when I turned 30, I realized that how I take care of my skin now will affect how it looks when I’m 60.

I picked this tub up of Biggs & Featherbelle at EarthFare last week and OMG, it’s amazing. The smell of mint and lavender fills my bathroom while the salt and sugar leaves my skin feeling baby soft.


I even caught Dan using it! It was a bit of a splurge simply because I am not used to spending money on items like this, but it still only cost $ 13 (plus I had a coupon).

Pickled Okra


I’m a sucker for anything pickled! Well, except for pigs’ feet… I draw the line there.

A few months ago I attempted to make my own pickled okra. It was good, but not great. I was determined to give it another try but it kind of fell to the waste side and life got in the way of jarring.

So when I was at the market and saw my favorite farmer selling jars of my beloved okra, I grabbed one up.

Delicious! The perfect combination of pickling spices and vinegar. If you haven’t tried pickled okra… even if you don’t like okra… try it!

For Charleston friends, this was from Joseph Fields Farms. For non locals, many specialty and health stores sell pickled okra.

Is this a #strangebutgood food to some people?



My house is not my home. Neither Dan or I really love our condo and we have been dreaming about our next home for a while. But lately, we’ve stepped it up and have had fun researching current real estate and browsing homes and decorating ideas.

I first learned about Houzz from Julie, and became instantly hooked.

Think Pinterest but JUST HOUSE stuff! Thousands of pictures of gorgeous kitchens, facades, bedrooms, decorations…  It’s amazing.

I now feel sorry for Dan when we do move for all the ideas and images I have in my head of what our house will look like.

Home projects… here we come! It’s motivated me so much, that I have a few mini projects planned this weekend while Dan is away! This rug is on it’s way to my house as we speak.

If you love house stuff… you’ll become addicted. Fast.

What’s something you’re loving?

I’ve got something really BIG I’m loving but I’ll reveal it next week! I’m evil, I know!

Whip Six Feed

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