12 June 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: Weekly Reads For The Fitness Lover In Us All

By admin

I hope everyone had a terrific week and has an even better weekend planned!

My week, while not terrible, was filled with lots of anxiety. Just last week we expanded our studio in Charleston to be twice the square footage! While exciting, it’s extremely nerve-wracking.

Especially for this type-A person.

I know everything will work out, but man, is it stressful! But again, super exciting for the changes and opportunities that lay ahead.

Luckily, sunrises like this brightened my day and helped me to see the bigger picture!

Charleston sunrise downtown


I want to end the week as positive as possible! Instead of focusing on the stresses that we all have piled up, let’s focus on the things we’re loving.

Here are some amazing posts and articles that caught my attention over the past week! If you haven’t read them already, I suggest checking them out.

I love these on friends’ blogs so I hope you do as well.


Fitness/Training Fun Finds


Nutrition/Recipe Fun Finds

fun finds

Random/Make You Smile Fun Finds

  • Anne Hathaway On Lip Sync Battle: I love her! I just found this show and now have it as my go to during my lunch break at my office. I allow myself to watch 1 video, otherwise it’s addicting!

Workout Round Up

This week was a solid week of training!

Lots of grip strength, lots of push-ups, pull-ups, sprints and speedy run sessions…



It’s been a log time since I’ve seen numbers in the 7’s! Makes me excited to see what these legs can do in a short race!

Tomorrow I am running my first 5K since December! I’m using it as a baseline to see where my speed is after all the distance training I’ve done over the past months.

Wish me luck! I can’t wait, luckily Ashton will be running too! So she’ll push me for sure! While I’ll need because we’re running a very straight (aka boring) plane runway course!

Tell me something that has made you smile this week!

Whip Six Feed

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