12 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Friendly Friday: What Kind Of Woman Are You

By admin

This week as gone by far too quickly. While I love the weekends, I was hoping for a week to catch my breath before the Palmetto70 tomorrow.

Nope. Didn’t happen.


One great thing about this week was getting to spend some quality time with this little one:

My niece Lainey, who for the first time actually pronounced my name perfectly. She’s growing up way too fast but is so much fun to be around!

Another great thing… some of the blog posts that I came upon this week.

If you’re new here, Friendly Friday is where I share some of my favorite blog posts/articles from the week. And I also encourage you to share your blog or a blog you love below in the comments!

This week’s posts all had me looking inside myself.

What kind of woman am I?

-I’m the kind of woman that is like every other woman

-Oh, I’m the kind of woman that eats 3 pounds of peanut butter

-I’m the kind of women that doesn’t let age define my abilities

lindsays list

LindsaysList.com: Other Women

I love Lindsay because she puts her thoughts completely “out there” which in turn encourages us to do the same. Recently she posted up a quote that sent all readers into a frenzy. I don’t want to spoil it by sharing the quote here, but I will say it had me looking within myself and my opinions towards other women.

I promise, you’ll read it and say to yourself: “No, not me!… well, I try not too… okay, sometimes, maybe.”

I know you’re curious!

food n fitness diaries


MyFoodnFitnessDiaries.com: Everything Peanut Butter

If you follow me on Instagram, then you know I LOVE LOVE LOVE nut butters. In fact, I introduced Dan to the wonderfulness of Cinnamon Raisin Swirl (from PB Co) and I have to admit, I was a bit upset that he liked it… means I have to share. :(

So when I saw Ashley’s post on Everything Peanut Butter, I got a tad bit excited. Expecially since she has an awesome infographic to go along with it. Infographics make everything better.

Check it out to learn something. Like did you know… that average American eats 3 lbs of peanut butter a year? I am sad to say, I am not average and probably consume that every 3 months.

ross training

RossTraining.com: Chin-ups At 84 Years Old

Need some motivation to get off your butt and work harder? To realize that age is not an excuse for backing away from a fitness filled lifestyle? Go to Ross’s blog and watch the video of an 84 year old man pumping out chin-ups better than most 30 year olds.

I watched this literally minutes before heading to the gym and it was just the push I needed to realize the only thing that holds us back is ourselves.

Enjoy your Friday!

I will be running around like a mad woman prepping for our 2:15 wake-up call. Can’t wait to share our adventure with you. As a reminder, I will be tweeting with the hashtag #teamtaylorsswifts

What have you learned this week? 

Big plans for the weekend?

Keep in touch: 

Twitter: @Femininemuscle

Instagram: @FitnessTaylor

Facebook: LiftingRevolution

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