15 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

From Road Races To Trails: Big January Race Schedule

By admin

Good Morning! Happy Saturday!

I hope you’re having a great weekend. So far so good. We have some friends coming over this evening for a holiday dinner so I am planning on getting into the kitchen in just a minute. But I couldn’t without first saying hey!

Let’s do a quick recap:



Sorry not the best pictures… poo for poor winter lighting.

Last night was low key… stay-home date night with veggie burgers (recipe will be posted at Fit Womens Weekly) and roasted okra. So good! I topped the burgers with my secret cashew cheesy spread, sauteed onions, bell peppers and of course avocado. So good!

Then we watched a really great movie, The Magic Of Belle Isle, while sipping on champagne. That’s how we do it in the Boyle house. What can I say… $ 12 bottle of champagne taste like Dom Perignon to us (and yes, believe it or not we have had Dom before).

Then we called it a night. Because I had to be up at the but crack of dawn this morning to get my run on.

Just a few weeks out from my second half and I haven’t really been running as much because of a few extra work projects I have taken on.

charleston half

So I got up, and hit the treadmill for 9 miles. Let it be known that I hate treadmills but I really hate running in the cold, especially before sunrise… so the treadmill it was.

It actually went by really fast. except I got quite pissed when after an hour the treadmill went to auto “cool-down” and wouldn’t let me add time. Ugh. So I had to stop and restart. It was a bit upsetting knowing I ran 9 miles but only seeing 2.5 flashing up on the screen. Stupid treadmills.


Back to that race coming up! 

race motto

I have my January race schedule all figured out. I decided why stop at 1 half (I am doing The Charleston Half)?

I have been wanting to do a trail run for a long time, after talking with a friend about adventure races (these are crazy!) I knew I wanted to hit the mountain trails for some new adventure.

After some searching, I came across the Mountain In The Middle Race, the last weekend of January.

mountain in the middle

It’s a 17K trail run through the foothills of South Carolina. The website says it is pretty flat and perfect for first time trail runners… that would be me!

I immediately got excited and emailed Ashton to see if she wanted to tackle the race with me.

Luckily, it didn’t take a lot of arm twisting to get her on board and we signed up.

There are several trail races being held in 2013, so if you’re not around South Carolina, check out their website for other locations ranging from Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia and some other South Carolina.

So here’s how January is looking:

  • Sunday, January 20th: Charleston Half Marathon
  • Saturday, January 26th: Mountain In The Middle

Not only with this be my second half marathon (the first was in October), this will be my first back to back weekends of races.

I have a lot of goals for 2013, and this is a killer way to get moving on them!

Trail runs have recently been added to my bucket list, so it feels freaking awesome to get to cross it off already!

  • What is a fitness goal you have for 2013? 

Now I am off to spend the rest of the day baking holiday treats! I’ll be sharing some awesome (hopefully) recipes with you tomorrow and throughout the next week. Be on the look out.

Happy Saturday!

The post From Road Races To Trails: Big January Race Schedule appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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