16 May 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Fruity Friday: Surprising Facts About Berries & Recipe Roundup

By admin

I have a Friday tradition that I have been doing for almost 2 years. 

Each Friday, I stop by my favorite coffee shop between boot camps and order the same thing: 


An almond milk latte and a giant fruit plate.

Single Smile Cafe (in Summerville for my local readers) is a charming shop and I love that they know exactly what I want and how I want it.

And I have to say, they have the best lattes and freshest fruit! I don’t just mean in the area, I mean out of every where (because yes, I have tried every coffee shop). 

Seriously, if you’re ever here let me know and I’ll take you to my little secret coffee shop! 

Moving on…

Let’s talk fruit.

I eat a lot of it!  Just check out my Instagram feed and you’ll see a #fruityfriday picture like the one above every single week. The rest of the days, I enjoy either an apple or a pile of fresh berries to satisfy my sweet cravings.

With berries in season right now, they are absolutely incredible! Nothing compares to a fresh off the plant strawberry from the market. So much more flavorful than store bought. I’m addicted.

Because of my open fruit addiction, I thought it would be fun to start a “Fruity Friday” post, sharing some fun information on my favorite food. 


To kick off the fruity fun, let’s start with berries since they’re “fresh” on my mind (see how I did that?). 


Berry Fun Facts

  • 8 strawberries contain more Vitamin C than a medium sized orange!
  • Berries are rich in nitrates which helps increase blood flow and oxygen to your muscles! Of course this could help muscle recovery post exercise!
  • Strawberry juice mixed with honey can reduce pain and inflammation when rubbed on sunburn. Forget the aloe!
  • Strawberries are the only fruit in the world with seeds on the outside.
  • Tannins in dark berries can help oral hygiene.
  • Eating 2 – 2.5 cups of blueberries can help improve memory and cognitive function!

Berry-Licious Recipes

Here are a few amazing berry recipes that are worth giving a go!

Raspberry Peanut Butter

raspberry peanut butter


Chocolate Lava Strawberry Cake (Vegan)



Berry Basil Lemon Vinaigrette (CotterCrunch.Com)

Berry Breakfast Quinoa (TheLeanGreenBean.Com)

Golden Berry Pancakes (PurelyTwins.Com)


Blueberry Almond Chia Squares (OhSheGlows.Com)

Strawberry Cream Protein Shake (Itzlinz.Com)


What’s your favorite berry?
If you have a great recipe, please share!

Personally, I LOVE fresh strawberries but right up there would be blackberries. As a kid, we would pick raspberries all day and then make fresh cobbler with them. So good.

Whip Six Feed

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