06 March 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Fun Friday Favorite Fitness Survey

By admin

Happy Friday Friend!

We made it! What a week it was. I had some amazing workouts, runs and boot camps.

And oh yea… yesterday I was on the news. I spent the morning at our local mid-morning show, LowCountry Live so I could hop in and show a few of my favorite total body, calorie torching exercises.

So much fun… I’m hoping it will become more of a regular thing!


Thanks to my friend Erica from snapping this picture.

As for the weekend, it’s packed. Tomorrow morning I have 12 miles on the training schedule followed by a 5K boot camp event for our clients. It should be crazy fun, but I still have a lot of planning.

So if you don’t mind, we’re going to keep things light (because that’s how Fridays should be) and end the week with a survey I saw somewhere!

Feel free to answer along!

My Fitness Favorites

1. 5 Favorite Fitness Items I Can’t Live Without


  1. Kettlebell wrist guards
  2. Iphone with headphones (music is a must)
  3. My “She believed she could, so she did” bracelet <— it really has helped when I wanted to quit workouts lately
  4. Innov-8s trainers
  5. Nathan hydration pack

2. Favorite Pre Workout Snacks/Meals

IMG_3443 2

  1. I am loving Honey Stinger Bars and Waffles before running. Delicious!
  2. Plantain pancake with sunflower butter & honey
  3. Toast with peanut butter & banana (always my half marathon breakfast)
  4. Cup of black coffee

3. On My Fitness Bucket List

I have a ton of things on my bucket list! For now it’s all about this 50K race and getting RKC certified.

4. Top Exercise Gear


  1. Our new boot camp tanks (above is the proof. They turned out perfect)
  2. Garmin Forerunner 15
  3. Running vest <— best purchase ever

5. Must Have Tech Tools:

My iPhone, Garmin and GymBoss Interval App

6. Motivational Mantra:

“She believed she could, so she did”

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

“Its suppose to be hard. If it weren’t hard everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.”

7. Next Big Goal?


We are hiking Mt Mitchell in April for my birthday (the highest mountain east of the Mississippi) and the the next big goal is RKC certification (it’s actually a few weeks before the 50K).

8. Favorite Cardio?


Running… duh.

9. Favorite Strength Move?

Kettlebell Snatch Tutorial

I love snatches with my kettlebell. Pull-ups are close but right now I am really loving pushing the sled!

10. Most Successful Fitness Accomplishment?

strong woman

I would say it’s a tie between doing a strong woman (I was way out of my comfort zone) and racing the Spartan with Dan.

Your turn…

Answer at least 1 question above!

Happy Friday!

Whip Six Feed

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