07 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Gabrielle Reece Shares Her Secrets To Staying Fit, Balanced & Beautiful {Interview}

By admin

Gabrielle Reece is an athlete and woman that I have looked up to since I was a kid. To me, even then, she represented what a woman should look like and she always seemed to have an air of confidence and strength unmatched to others around.

gabrielle reece


When models where stick thin (they still are), she was on magazine covers showing off her volleyball physique and making it okay for girls to want to look and be strong.

To most of us, she has “The Life”:

– World champion volleyball player
– Model
– Athlete
– Author
– Wife (to sexy waterman, Laird Hamilton)
– Mom

And now, I am excited to add to her impressive resume: “What The Fitness” Guest. :)

I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Gabby not only about her newest book, My Feet Are Too Big For The Glass Slipper, but also her personal path of discovering fitness, sports and adapting it to her busy life.

We got pretty deep at times and talked about what she believes is “the secret” to being gorgeous and an inspiration to women half her age. And why she doesn’t try to sugar coat her life. She isn’t trying to give the impression that she has a perfect life. Life is suppose to be imperfect, it’s finding balance and acceptance for those imperfections that makes life worth living.

I can type about the interview all day long, but I’ll stop here and let you listen to it! I have been excited since last week to be able to share this with you.

If you’re interested in reading Gabby’s book: “My Feet Are Too Big For The Glass Slipper” I definitely recommend it! Seriously, all women can relate to her candidness.

It’s refreshing but at the same time has an element of tough love that I admire and appreciate.

You can see the book here on Amazon or if you’re like me and love a good audio book, it’s on Audible now as well.

gabrielle reece book

If you could interview any female athlete, who would it be?

I want to thank Gabrielle for the opportunity to sit with her. Right now she is in Hawaii, so there was quite a time difference and I truly appreciate the time and sincerity given.

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