18 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: “Random Acts of Pizza” Are Happening In Boston

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Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Hundreds of Reddit users are sending “Random Acts of Pizza” to stranded marathon survivors and the Bostonians housing them. [Huffington Post]

Feeling stressed? Popping a Tylenol might help, according to a new study. [EurekAlert]

In very cool news, aerobic exercise may help prevent—and even reverse—some of the negative effects drinking has on the brain. [LA Times]

A new report from AAA shows your car costs about $ 9,100 a year to own and operate. So that’s where all your cash went. [USA Today]

Disney plans to make a new Star Wars movie every summer, starting in 2015. For proof that this is a bad idea, see episodes one through three. [Vulture]

Make sure to wash your veggies: Your refrigerator’s produce drawer tends to be the germiest place in the kitchen. [Huffington Post]

Budweiser’s engineers spent several years designing its new bowtie-shaped beer can, which they say is “very appealing to young adults.” Pretty sure they’ll be more concerned with the fact that an ounce of booze is missing from each can. [CNBC]

Feel free to skip this trend: Clothes with fake breasts on them are a thing. [The Cut]

A new app in Iceland warns you if a potential one-night-stand is related to you or not. If that’s a problem for you, then you probably need more help than just this app. [Businessweek]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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