27 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Airport Lines Just Got Shorter

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

If you plan on flying any time soon, you’re in luck: Congress has passed a bill to end the FAA’s furlough problem, which means lines at the airport should be shorter. [The Atlantic Wire]

President Obama spoke at the Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s annual conference this morning—and he said “Planned Parenthood is not going anywhere.” [YouTube]

Doctors say cancer drugs shouldn’t cost $ 100,000. We couldn’t agree more! [NYT]

Holy hacking: Cyberattackers gained access to the names, birthday, email addresses, and passwords of 50 million LivingSocial users. [USA Today]

Air pollution may be bad for your arteries. [TIME]

Voice-to-text driving could be just as dangerous as normal texting, according to a new study. [Mobile Magazine]

In an incredibly dubious new study, Italian researchers say that eating pizza could slash your cancer odds. If only! [BBC News]

A new survey claims that most women would rather spend a first date at home with a guy than go out somewhere. Yeah, right… [The Daily Meal]

This picture of a koala sitting on top of what’s left of his home is super sad. [TreeHugger]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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