02 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Eating More Nuts Won’t Make You Fat

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Adding nuts to your diet shouldn’t make you gain weight, according to a new study. Just don’t go completely nuts. [Reuters]

One small step for Marissa Mayer, one giant step for woman-kind: The Yahoo CEO recently doubled paid maternity leave and expanded paternity leave at her company. [Jezebel]

Prepare your credit cards: Downton Abbey is getting a fashion and home goods line. [The Cut]

Second-hand smoke may be more dangerous for women than it is for men. [TIME]

If you’re taking gingko biloba for your health, stop this second. A scary new animal study suggests that it may actually cause cancer. [NYT]

Less than 40 percent of people diagnosed with depression actually meet the clinical criteria for it. [Medical Daily]

Employees at a New York real estate office can get a 15 percent pay bump if they ink themselves with the company logo. That’s some serious employee loyalty there. [CBS New York]

A blogger for a sports radio station wrote that a (totally gorgeous) NBA cheerleader might be “too chunky” to cheer. If you ask us, the writer is too insensitive to blog. [Houston Chronicle]

Jonah Falcon, the man known for having the biggest penis in the world, released an iTunes single called “It’s Too Big.” Please don’t encourage him by buying it. [Huffington Post]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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