23 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Exercising Is On the Rise

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Being a couch potato is so 2006: More people in the U.S. are getting active, according to a new CDC report. [MyHealthNewsDaily.com]

Microsoft announced the details on its new Xbox One system coming out later this year…and it sounds kind of awesome. [NPR]

New research shows that chamomile tea contains a chemical that may help fight cancer. [Daily Mail]

E-cigarettes may be popular, but they’re not actually that great at helping people quit smoking, according to a recent study. [Huffington Post]

New research confirms that feet are really gross. Like, covered in fungi gross. [UPI.com]

Insomniacs aren’t just sleep-deprived: They’re also more likely to be depressed. [Medical Daily]

Since same-sex marriages aren’t recognized in Texas—and there’s a “morality clause” that prohibits divorcees from having a romantic partner spend the night while their kids are home—a judge recently said a lesbian couple in the state can’t live together. [The Dallas Morning News]

Between 2011 and 2012, the number of people in their 20s who got Botox increased by 10 percent. [ABC News]

Apparently Justin Bieber makes his party guests sign a liability waiver saying that if they tweet, blog, text, or even talk about the event, they’ll have to pay him $ 5 million. Host of the year right there. [TMZ]

Photo: iStockphoto/ThinkStock

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