06 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Healthy Habits Can Boost Memory

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Eating right, exercising, and staying smoke-free can help improve your memory. [Medical Daily]

During the course of a recent six-year study, vegetarians were 12 percent less likely to die than meat eaters. Find delicious veggie recipes here. [WSJ]

Taking fish oil regularly may help protect your heart from the health drawbacks of stress, according to new research. [Prevention]

After a five-year break from print advertisements, Camel cigarettes bought space in at least 24 magazines this spring. [Ad Age]

In related news, a new study finds that smokers cost their employers almost $ 6,000 more per year than nonsmokers. [Vitals]

All of the buzz about Michael Douglas’ throat cancer is drawing much-needed attention to the link between unprotected oral sex, HPV, and throat cancer. Even more reason to get the HPV shot (if you haven’t already). [CBS]

Strange but true: An adult lollipop company in Boston has come out with a new breast milk-flavored option that isn’t actually made with human breast milk—it just tastes like it is. [The Frisky]

Movie theater owners want to shorten trailers—don’t they know those are the best part? [Bloomberg Businessweek]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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